Bad news (Chapter 8)

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They made their way to the next Subway train which was completely flipped over, to no surprise. Woolf was walking towards the back where he usually stayed. It was where he was most comfortable. Plus it meant he didn't have to talk to any of the usual group members. Which was a definite plus. Don't get him wrong, he did enjoy talking to other people, and in this group too. It just didn't really make sense for him to do something he didn't want to do at the moment. Plus it gave him time to think. Think about what he would do if they got split up. As they reached the end of the subway to where there was a set of stairs that led up into a dimly lit vast room with a few columns sticking out. He heard the roar of a tank and instantly pulled out his gun. He backed up into Socks whose eyes were darting around. Woolf noticed that his yellow eye was a little brighter than normal and realized that parts of Socks' brown eyes were yellow, contributing to the glow that came off of it.

"You good?" Woolf asked. Socks cast a look at him then shot back to the tank who was picking up a piece of ruble. Socks unloaded a set of his amo into the tank. As he was reloading he turned around and looked at Woolf.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well your brown eye is slightly glowing brighter," Woolf told him, Socks had turned around to start shooting then he clapped his hand over his brown eye which meant that he had stopped shooting. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's alright.." Woolf tried to assure him. Socks just had a panicked expression on his face. It didn't help that Woolf didn't even believe what he said. So his own voice came out skeptical. "Just start shooting the tank again?" Woolf tried to suggest but as soon as he said that he heard the tank give out its defeated roar and collapse.

"Kill streak!" Woolf heard Nadwe shout triumphantly. Socks still had his hand over his eye and he looked at Woolf.

" Do you have anything we can cover this up with?" He asked. Woolf shook his head no and Socks sighed angrily. "What to do, Cmon Socks think!"

"Uh, maybe use a piece of your hoodie." Woolf suggested Socks looked at him in surprise. Then with a swift movement he tore a long strip of his hoodie off and wrapped it around his eye.

"Dammit it's not going to work unless I wrap it this way." Socks said he then put the cloth over both of his eyes and then quickly moved it away. "It'll mean I'm practically blind." Socks grumbled.
"I've got an idea." Woolf said. He quickly wrapped it around Socks eyes, knotting it in the back. As soon as he finished Meme walked up behind them and was looking closely at the makeshift blindfold.

"What are you doing?" Meme asked curiously.
"When the tank threw some concrete at us some of the dust particles landed in Socks eyes." Woolf lied. Meme looked at him skeptically.

"Why would you need to do that? Does it hurt or something?" Meme questioned Socks who shrugged.

"It does hurt a little bit," Socks said, Woolf sighed with relief.
"Can you see?" Meme asked. "I find this really hard to believe." He said before Socks could respond, This question was directed towards Woolf.
"Well you're gonna believe it." Woolf snapped and grabbed Socks arm attempting to lead him away.

"Thank you." Socks whispered to him. Woolf nodded and realized that Socks couldn't see.
"You're welcome."

As Woolf stormed away from Meme, he could tell instantly that something was up. Not only the way that Socks looked worried to say the least. It just didn't seem right to Meme, Number 1 because Meme knew that's not how it worked. Either you got so much dust in your eyes that you went blind, or you got such little dust that you could just blink out. Yes there could be an in between but it wasn't anything that required a full on blindfold. On the other hand, Woolf seemed like he never trusted anyone. Especially Socks, so why would he lie for him? What would he gain? These were questions that Meme wanted to know, and if he had to squeeze it out of them. So be it.

He couldn't see anything, all he could see was the bright orange mask in front of his eyes. He appreciated Woolf for doing this. Meme would catch on eventually due to the fact that it was so sudden. He bumped into something he could still feel Woolf's hand tightly wrapped around his arm.
"Sorry there Muffin." Woolf said Socks then heard another person talk.

"Eh its alright, Wait, Hey what's up with the blind fold?" the person asked. Socks bit his lip and he could tell it was Muffin's voice. Anything he said Muffin would believe, or so he hoped.

"Its just a bit of dust, it hurt my eyes so we put this blindfold on." Socks said, he couldn't tell muffins reaction since he couldn't see it.

"Anyways Muffin, Talk to you later?" Socks heard Woolf said. They started walking forwards Socks limping Woolf was struggling to move slow enough for Socks to keep up. "Stairs up ahead." Woolf told him. Socks just lifted the cloth up a bit to see a little bit. He went up a few stairs easily. Then they heard a person open the door and he quickly adjusted the blindfold down on his face before the person could see them.
"Hey Ally!" Woolf said.

"Hey Woolf," Socks heard Ally respond. "Socks, What's with the blindfold?" Ally asked. Socks turned his head in Woolf's direction.
"He just got some dust in his eyes, he should be alright soon," Woolf told her Ally breathed in sharply.

"You sure you cant see okay because were gonna definitely gonna need to see for this." Ally asked. Socks sighed, he then removed the blindfold and Ally looked at him in surprise.
"Okay we were lying, Im worried about the fact my brown eye is turning yellow."

"We're running out of time," Ally breathed. "Why would you lie to me?" Ally asked with a hurt expression.
"We lied to Meme and Muffin, they shouldn't know. Meme would freak out more than he already is." Woolf said.

"That's a good thing that means HE'LL HURRY UP!" Ally shouted the last words obviously wanting to make it clear she was impatient. They heard footsteps and Socks was about to slip the blindfold on but Ally quickly stopped him. He expected to see Meme but instead he saw Laff staring down from the bottom of the stairs.

"Do you need something?" Laff asked.

"Yes, We've got a situation up here, Can you get the rest of the group up here?"

"Uh sure." Laff said he walked away; they could barely hear him calling the other people in the group's name. 



Words: 1185

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