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Boris stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom when I handed him the clothing, he had let out a dissatisfied grunt and quickly closed the door. I sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for when he would come out of the bathroom. And when he did, I wish it was possible for a human to relive a moment in their life. Boris wore a black and white tuxedo, his hair was still a mess, of course, but it didn't dent the look at all. Plus, I would fix that later. "Oh, wow."

"Wow? What, you like it?" Boris twirled like a little girl showing off her new tutu or dress, doing a curtesy.

I thought about what to say, I didn't want to make this awkward or seem like I had a crush on him. I just hadn't expected him to look so... good? hot? pretty? attractive? I cleared my throat, "It'll make Kotku jealous, knowing you have a better outfit."

Boris laughed, "She might not be going, Potter."

"Oh she will. She probably doesn't know you're going, if she did, however, she wouldn't show her face." I remarked, sneering playfully.

Boris let out a gasp and turned around, "Potter, we can't be late! Try this on."

He handed me a light baby blue tuxedo, a white shirt and a navy blue tie. "Boris, seriously?"

"What, you thought I was the only one to get dressed up here? Go on! Try it!" Boris giggled, "Go! Go! Go!"

Boris shooed me away, and I let out a sigh, closing the bathroom door behind me. "Fine, but I get to fix your hair."

I heard Boris let out an over-dramatic groan behind the door, "I'd like to see you try."

I imagined him crisscrossed on the bottom edge of my bed, leaning backward as he complained. It was a funny thought, and it made laugh as I hurried to dress. I left my tie undone, as I had never been to taught how to tie one. Boris had his tied properly, so maybe I could ask him after. I reached for the dirty, golden doorknob and slowly turned it. The door opened and I reluctantly walked out. Boris' eyes widened when he saw me and he stood up.

He was silent for a moments before noticing my tie. "Am good at doing ties. Follow me."

His hand grasping mine tightly, he led me straight back to the bathroom. We stood in front of the mirror, Boris behind me. His hands worked quickly, grasping my tie and slowly tying it. "See? Like this, Potter."

His 'this' came out as zis, forcing me to put effort into not laughing. I tried to watch him, but my mind was focusing on how close we were, how close his hands were to my body. It sent a shudder up my spine. "Now try it."

Shit. How was I supposed to try it if I wasn't paying attention? "Boris, can't you just do it for me now? I can practice after prom."

"When will you need a tie then?"

"Funerals, weddings, you never know." I smirked knowingly at him.

Boris scoffed, "Well you'd better have it down when you go to my wedding one day!"

I could tell he was joking, but for some reason I felt so uneasy. I tried to brush it off though. Next, we brushed our hair. Boris sat down so I could reach his black locks of hair. I tried to be gentle, because when I tried to untangle one he would complain. "Told you, 'like to see you try,' did I?"

I rolled my eyes, finally untangling the knot. "How's that for, like to see you try, huh?"

"Chtob tebe deti v'sup srali." Boris replied, knowing damn well I hadn't had fuck about what he said.

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