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Boris grunted, heaving into more of a comfortable position, head resting in my lap as we watched TV. He'd been showing a softer side to me since his breakdown back at his house. I let my hand run through his hair idly, not noticing what I was doing. I saw him smile slowly, then quickly it wilted as he turned his attention back to the TV, which was playing some news story.

Suddenly, he burst into laughter. I jumped, my hand leaving his hair quickly, making me alarmed it was even there in the first place.


"Ha! You see? Man said shout out to his kids Bastard and Casey!"

I gave him a disappointing expression. "No he didn't."

"Yez he did!" Boris sneered, "Ha! Heard it!"

"Sure you did." I groaned, getting up, Boris raising his head off my lap.

"Potter?" Boris followed me on his crutches, tilting his head. "Hey, haven't done drugs in long while, yez?"

I turned around, no longer in my walking pace, and studied his face for a moment—considering how long I always spent noting his small mannerisms everyday in a lovesick manner—I easily saw that he wasn't joking. I wasn't protective of Boris, of course. But he wanted that ankle to heal quicker, and what if he hurt it worse while high? Still, the temptation of us wandering the house, high out of minds, doing god-knows-what was too adrenaline pumping to refuse.

"We're staying in my room though. My dad and Xandra will be back home from their date soon, they only know we drink and it better stay that way." I sighed, turning around and guiding the crutched boy to my bedroom.

Boris laughed behind me, "Scared of them realizing, Potter? According to drunk you, they wouldn't care!"

I rolled my eyes, "I wish I wasn't a blackout drunk so I could remember what dumb things I say to you."

"Eh," Boris shrugged, continuing his 'walk' down the long hallway. "Didn't think it was dumb. At all. You say a lot of things."

I opened my door, fixing him with a quizzical expression. "What do I say?"

"You open up. Always tell me how sad you are." Boris limped into my room, dismounting his crutches and holding onto the sheets of my bed to stand.

"That wasn't what I said though. What exactly do I say?"

Sitting on the bed, Boris gave me a startled look, then he shrugged, "Your mother. You say lot about her."

I saw Boris cast a weary, curious look my way. I smiled. "I'm not as sensitive at the mention of her that much now,"

Boris looked surprised then I saw the end of his mouth tug into a small smile, fading quickly as he turned. He started to rummage through my drawer and I watched him confusedly. Boris turned a few objects and let out a small, satisfied gasp, "Aha!"

He turned back to me and I glared at him. "You've been hiding cocaine in my drawer?"

Boris grinned at me, "If I have, Potter? What are you gonna do, yez?"

I looked away, huffing for a moment then returned my attention to him. "Hand me some."

"There we go!"

The rest of night was a blur to me in the morning, Boris and I snorting recessively, not stopping for a while. And when we did stop, our hands were on each other's bodies in under a millisecond.

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