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"And zhen I hit her lip! Looked scared of me." Boris shrugged, laughing. Popchik was clambered in his lap, head resting on Boris' chest. "Very funny, no?"

I just shrugged. I was happy about it, but for now, I kept it to myself. His laughter simmered down for a second and an awkward silence filled the room, the only thing heard was Popchik's feeble snores and the click of Xandra's heels as she walked past my door, towards her room.

We were sitting on my bed, Boris resting against my wall, me being opposite to him. I fiddled with my fingers and kept staring at him. I took in those features again, for that seemed to be the thing I enjoyed doing most. Boris just remained his eye contact with me, until he pursed his lips into a thin smile.

I smiled back, though I wasn't sure what for, and it felt genuine. It was surreal how much effect this boy had on me. Boris gripped my bed sheets, his smile wilted as he seemed to focus on me, my features to be particular. His body seemed to move closer to mine, though I wasn't sure if it was my thirsty mind running wild and playing tricks on me. It was just as his nose was inches away from touching mine I had realized how close he was, and that he was in fact leaning in. He stopped halfway, studying my features before his eyes lidded and his lips moved.

It was a soft sensation. One that just happened to be the greatest thing I'd ever experience. His black curls touching my face as our lips moved together, like they were dancing on thin air. As if I wasn't controlling it, my hand inched cautiously to cup the side of his pale, milky face. Two fingers on either side of his ear while my thumb rubbed his face.

A thin, drunken smile was now painted on the same soft, comforting, baby pink lips that touched mine just a few feeble seconds ago. My eyes still wide open, I felt as if a weight was being carried off of my shoulders by the same goldfinch from my mother's beloved painting. The feeling itself was surreal, and relief flooded quickly through my body with a surge.

Often, I recalled that I wished I could replay certain small moments where Boris would burst out with his mischievous giggle, or when those jagged nails grazed my skin, missing my skin just by a small inch as we cuddled for warmth in my bed, but this?

This was gentry compared to such small moments, I concluded, a small, love struck smile stretching wildly across my face as he looked at me. Boris snorted at my expression, causing a laugh to uprise from my throat, dismissing my hard efforts to stifle it. Soon, we were caught in a laughing fit.

If Xandra or, perhaps, my Dad walked in, they'd have sworn we were on hard drugs. The assumption would be partially correct, indeed. Though, I'd refrained from taking any form of drugs or alcohol today, I felt like I was high on the best one ever.


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