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Boris walked next to me as we exited the bright mustard yellow school bus, he had his black umbrella, shielding us from the sun. Honestly, at this point, walking without it felt weird, except for at night.


I looked over to him, he kept pace, now looking at me.

"I wanted you to meet my girlfriend tonight."

"I'm sorry, your what?" My eyes nearly boggled out of my head as my face dismayed a gawked expression.

"Girlfriend. Koktu. Is meaning kitty cat." Boris gave me a lopsided grin, much similar to the one we shared under the blue, purple, and indigo blanket of stars that night.

"That's her name?"

"Name is actually Katie, or something. Name is Kotku to me." Boris shrugged.

"So you just," My tone of voice wavered as I tried to best understand Boris' words. "Named her?"

"Cute, yes?"

"Boris. Her name is Katie."

"Koktu." Boris corrected, letting out a small huff of amusement.

I shrugged, as occasionally Boris did as well, giving up on him. "So tonight? Do I get a say in this?"

He could tell I was joking, so he shook his head. "What's she like?" I spoke up.

"Small, short." Boris held up his hand, one finger still bandaged, and put one of them lower than the other, displayed her height. "Smaller you, Potter."

I rolled my eyes, scoffing.

"Gets into fights, does drugs." Boris' mouth tugged into a side smirk, "Hot, yes?"

"Maybe for you."

"Ah, Hippa?"

"Pippa." Though I didn't deny it, my face was heating up. "She's sweet and funny, you know? We went though the same things."

Boris swung his arm around me, "Need to meet her one day! You speak so highly of her!"

Though I never saw the day Boris and Pippa would get an opportunity to meet, I nodded. "Sure, whatever. I'm sure you'd find a way to smuggle her into a drug addiction."

"Take it as compliment." Boris chuckled. "Is skill, no?"

"If that's what you would like to call it." I punched his arm playfully and he bumped into me hastily, laughing.

"Last one there has to dump their face in the pool!" I shouted, leaping ahead of the lanky boy behind me.

I won, thankfully. I got to my house first, Boris running after me, stopping right in my room and throwing the umbrella down. I shot him a look, grabbed his hand and hauled him out to the pool.

"Potter, can talk about this." Boris arranged, "Acid, coke, girls?"

I slowly put his head under and pulled it straight out, his face dripping and he quickly wiped the area around his eyes and slowly opened them. Before I knew it, he had his down in the water and was splashing me.

"Boris you fucker!" I exclaimed, sending water his way. "The waters freezing!"

Boris and I sat in my room, bundled up in soft towels on my bed. The TV was blaring some news show that could care less about, Boris seemed interested though.

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