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Boris hadn't come to school for the past few days, and that would've worried me, if not for the pale boy, his crutches under his arms, showing up at my house every day. It wasn't annoying, the boy was bored and he said he liked hanging out with Popchik and Xandra. Yup, just Popchik and Xandra. Sometimes, I had to drag him away from her just so he would stop flirting. Well, attempting to flirt.

"Esli by ty skazala, chto budesh' moej, ja prekratil by rugat'sja vsju ostavshujusja zhizn!" Boris exclaimed, sitting at the gray seat of our marble counter.

"What?" Xandra looked at him funny.

"If you were my wom-" He had started to translate when I cut him off.

"Yeah, I don't know what that means but if it starts like that, then it's bad." I gripped his ear, allowing him to get his crutches before guiding him back to my room.

"Potter! Stop it!" He pouted at me.

I let go, he fell back on the bed.

"I will kill you."

"I'll take my chances!" I teased, pressing against him as I laid down. "Quick question."


"Would doing drugs with while you're on crutches be dangerous?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw the glint of Boris' mischievous smile as it widened across his face. "I don't know." He sneered.

"But, let's do it." 

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