7 - ROOM #7660

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Spoilers for the movie "Heathers". 


They were unbearably loud.

Fred was in the shower, loudly singing in an off-key duet with his twin. The water hit the tiles of the shower and trickled down the drain. George was standing outside the bathroom door, being the other half of the duet. They banged on doors and stomped on floors in to keep themselves in time. They belted the lyrics to the Weird Sisters' latest hit, uncaring of the muggles that may hear, uncaring that they were breaking the law and that if they were caught, the consequences would be immense. Percy just hoped that if the aurors were to come arrest them, he could say that he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Hopefully, he'd slink away from them as their mother screamed at them in front of the entire courtroom.

Percy was currently attempting to focus on his Potions textbook. Just because everyone else didn't have a study and homework schedule didn't meant that he did not. He was leaning against the back of his bed, his legs bent in a near 90-degree angle. The textbook in question was comfortably placed against his lower thighs and knees. In hand, he also held a quill, writing important notes in the margins of the textbook. One wouldn't think that he'd be the type to annotate, it would ruin the book, after all! But no, he liked to annotate because it was easier for him to make notes later, not to mention that once the book was handed down to the twins, they might get some use out of it. He just hoped they didn't destroy it completely so they wouldn't have to buy new ones for Ron and Ginny.

It was nearly 10pm, and he was very sure that Ron and Ginny were both already asleep. His parents were most likely also getting ready to rest. Fred and George, however, were ready to do the exact opposite. Percy wanted to sleep before 10pm so he could have a productive day the next day.

He put his book away on his bedside table, as well as his glasses. The quill was laid on top of the book and the ink was already next to it. With a groan, he rolled onto his stomach and buried his head in his pillow.

A few minutes later, both twins were in the bedroom, animatedly chatting about their plans for the next day. Their voices were incredibly loud, and Percy wondered why they needed to do that when they could practically speak to one another without words anyway. They would be the death of him, he swore.

He couldn't fall asleep with the noise, he had to tell them to be quiet multiple times, and there was nothing else for him to do. He was also not masochistic to suffer.

'It would be nice to have some company.'

Percy frowned, was that Oliver's voice? In his head? No, he needed to focus. Alright, he could go for a walk, but what if he got lost? He could lock himself in the bathroom, yes! But he would still be able to hear them from there. They were extremely loud, he had to exit the room in order to get away from them.


'Feel free to come over whenever, just knock. It'd be great to have some company.'

'7660, I'll remember that.'

He could go to Oliver's hotel room. Yes, that seemed like a wonderful idea. Percy smiled bashfully just thinking about it. Would Oliver be asleep, or would he welcome him with open arms? Percy hoped it was the latter, he'd love to be away from the source of the noise, and to bond with Oliver whilst he was at it. He may as well kill two birds with one stone.

What would they do there together? What would they bond over? Would he find out all the little facts that he yearned to know? He hoped that Oliver would be delighted to see him, because Percy certainly was. How had he not thought of it before? It was pure genius! Would it be everything he wanted it to be and more?

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