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Fred and George had finally left.

For an hour, they had done everything but leave. They described where they were going and who they would spend their time with to one another in avid detail. However, no leaving had occurred nor did it come to mind to the two. It took them only a few brief minutes to get ready, but they dawdled. Percy would almost say that they didn't wish to go if he cared to know their feelings better than he already did from having to bear with them for so long. Once he lost his patience for them anymore, he kicked them out under the guise of needing his much desired peace. They had bundled off with much laughter, muttering about how 'their typical Perfect Prefect Percy' and how he 'wants his peace and quiet to do the nerdy things he likes'. "At least we have lives!" they had exclaimed, something Percy sighed at. They truly had no clue, did they?

In reality, now was the optimal time to sneak himself over to Oliver's hotel room. Number 7660, those four lucky digits that Percy had grown oh so fond of. Now that the twins were gone, for several hours according to their chatter, that was his biggest obstacle gone. All he needed to do was to wait for a few minutes. Until they were definitely gone. Until he knew they wouldn't come back because they forgot something. He knew they had done that several times before. He couldn't get caught. No, that simply would not do.

He peeked at them from the door, only his head poking out into the hallway. The twins glanced back, feeling his eyes glued to their backs. They glared as menacingly as excited 15-year-olds could, they attempted to be nasty but they couldn't help but quietly chuckle. Percy narrowed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows at them in a scarily similar fashion to how his own mother would. With cheeky grins, the twins backed into the elevator and waved mockingly. Percy shook his head, turning away from them and back into the bedroom.

They were no longer visible; it was time to sneak his way out. He crept with wide footsteps to Oliver's hotel room, somehow unable to walk normally. His mind was focused on being discreet at all times since he usually visited late at night and not just after dinner. Usually, the twins were asleep or still chatting into the night. Not to mention, his neighbours may potentially hear and get annoyed at how noise he was theoretically being. Therefore, eh stayed silent because silence couldn't be tracked and noise was always troublesome. It was impossible for him to stray from that mindset. There would be no point to the plan if the plan was ruined. No, he needed to focus. Otherwise, Oliver would be fed to one of his siblings. He wouldn't allow him to be fed to the sharks for dinnertime, he simply couldn't.


Percy halted in his tracks. There was only a single person that called him that name with a Scottish brogue. Oliver had just opened the door. He was ready to go out into the big, wide world. His hair was purposefully messy, teased and taunted until it created the look he wanted. He smelled vaguely of cologne; a scent Percy adored on him. His blue, faded jeans were very washed out, they clung to his legs tightly as of it was the last time they'd ever been worn again. Percy knew Oliver's wardrobe, however, and much to his relief, it wasn't likely that he'd stop wearing them. His plain white shirt was sinfully tight, accentuating everything Percy constantly daydreamed of. Oliver seemed more comfortable in muggle clothes. Even at Hogwarts, where Percy would watch him from afar, he was hardly ever dressed in Wizarding attire.

"Perce! I was just about to go to your room and get you! Good thing you're here, I wanted to ask you something." Oliver spoke enthusiastically.

Percy's mouth ran dry, unsure of what to do or say. He was right there, right in front of him. For someone who had so much control over himself, it sure didn't stay around for long with Oliver. He couldn't imagine how humiliated he would be if anyone else noticed his affliction. If Oliver noticed. What would happen if he noticed? If he already hadn't, that was? Oliver kindly smiled at him, waiting for a response.

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