1. The meeting

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Zak's POV

I checked the time. Still got 10 minutes, I won't be late. But running down the hallway is fun. So I did just that. I saw a boy sitting on a bench near the toilets. He was crying, so I wanted to comfort him. "Hi." I said. "Hi." he said really quietly. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Darryl but I prefer badboyhalo. Or just bad if it's too long or halo if that's what you want." He said quickly. I chuckled. "Okay, good boy halo." He smiled at my stupid joke. "Are you alright?" "Not really." he sniffed. "What happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No, it's just this one guy kinda bullies me." he started crying again.

"I don't think now is the best time, right Bad? We can talk about this when your calmed down. What's your next class?" We both got up. "English." "Ugh, mines Math. I guess I'll see you at lunch." I walked away. Now I didn't have time to walk around. I walked straight to class.

Darryl's POV

Again. It happens all the time. I forget to ask people's names. And I was so awkward. I'm such a bad introducer.
He was a nice guy. I hope I'd see him again.

I then walked to my classroom. This class was my favorite class. I absolutely adore English. I know most people don't get what's so good about it, but I like learning about writers and poets and that stuff. Our teacher is really nice as well. He is quite old but he's really funny. He isn't too strict and it's not hard to get a good grade in his class.

My eyes were still sore from crying, but my mood was way better. That guy really cheered me up. Although he didn't know me he managed to make me feel way better.


I finished my classes for that day. The last one was Music which I didn't really enjoy but managed to get through with it. It was time for lunch. I almost sat at my usual place in the corner when I remembered what I promised that guy. I looked around to see him. After I found him I sat down.

"Hello, Bad!" he smiled at me.
"I just realized, you've never told me your name. Do you want to stay so secretive or do you mind sharing it?"
"It's Zak, or the nickname Skeppy, I don't mind any of these." he told me.

We talked for sometime. I checked my time and saw that I had 5 minutes to my next lesson.

"I really enjoy talking to you, Zak. But I have to go now. I've got a some more classes now."
"No problem, Bad. We could hang out later, I'll give you my number." He took a piece of paper and a pen from his bag and scribbled down his phone number.
"Here, have this. Give me a call if you're free."

Zak's POV

I didn't really expect Bad to call me. I mean we did just meet this morning, why would he want to hang out? He seemed really sweet. And he was kinda cute I guess. At a quarter past four my phone rang. An unknown number. Must be Bad.

"Hello, Zak here!"
"Hi! It's me, Bad!" his voice echoed through my phone.
"Oh, you're actually calling me. I didn't really expect it as we've just met."
"Yeah, that's true. But you were really nice and you came to comfort me even though you didn't know me. Are you still free?"
"Yeah I am, wanna come over?"
"Okay I'll send you the address!"
"Bye, good boy halo!"
I hung up and chuckled.

After about fifteen minutes somebody knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" my sister Sam said. Before I could reply she opened the door. What she could see was Bad wrapped in a red sweater with a big black hat on his head.

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