4. The sister

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3rd  POV (Zak's thoughts)

As Vincent and Darryl went home he was thinking. He thought Vincent was nice but not as kind and cute as bad.
Today they had so much fun. Vincent was as good at Minecraft as they were.
He had to make homework then. He hated the stupid math problems. He wasn't bad at them he just didn't think they could be useful in life. After that he read something for English and answered some questions for biology.
He wanted to watch some TV but his sister was already sitting on the sofa. She watched some Spanish drama and didn't want to change the program. "Ugh. Can we watch something else. No one likes this." he said angry. "I like this too so if it's not something necessary then leave it." said his mom from the kitchen. Sam smiled with a teasing look on her face.
He was so annoyed. He couldn't be with his friends and his family was so annoying. When he tried to log onto Minecraft his computer crashed. Everything was going badly. He decided to call bad. "Hey I'm so bored and I don't have anything to do so I wondered if you want to hang out." the raven haired boy said. His best friend answered "Ok. Let's meet at 5 pm." "Ok."

Darryl's POV

I looked at my clock. It said 4.45. I had ten minutes to prepare since I needed five minutes to walk to our meeting place. And so I dressed and put my shoes on while listening to music. I listened to the radio and heard I song I knew. Sometimes all I think about is you. Late nights in the middle of June... I remembered his schoolmates Clay and George. I giggled for a second and then stopped the music unlocked the door and slowly walked out.
I was walking out of our garden filled with flowers. I saw Zak walking down the street. I waved but he didn't seem to noticed. He was sad.
"Hey what's up." I said as we met. "Oh nothing much." he answered. "I see that you're sad. Tell me what is happening." I tried to sound nice. "I'm not said I'm just bored because I can't play Minecraft and I can't watch TV or do anything fun." he said with a bored voice.

Zak's POV

We went to the grocery store to buy some snacks. As we were eating them I heard my phone blink.

Mom: Were getting a dog.

No way. I showed this to bad and he was just as happy as I was. We quickly ate our snacks and walked to my place. My mom was all ready at the front door since I typed that we were coming. She showed us a picture of a Labradoodle puppy. "That's him his name is Rocco." she announced. "He kinda looks a bit like my dog." said bad. "Yes but he's much bigger and of course a different breed." I explained to him. My mom told us that Rocco is coming next week.
At 9.pm my mom called and told me to come home. As I was walking I realized that it wasn't even dark. Why was my mom calling me home? It made me feel concerned and I decided to go faster. At first I just walked a bit faster but it lead to running. I came home and saw my sister with a broken arm. My mom told me to drive her to the hospital since she was all ready in her pyjama.
I lead my sister to my car and started driving. There wasn't many people on the road and I was able to drive quite fast. I asked her what happened. She told me she fell from the stairs and her arm hit the railing. At least her legs were ok.
We came to the hospital and the doctor took her to check her. I came with them. While I was waiting for her to get a X-ray I texted bad to tell him what happened. He asked me if I wanted him to come. I wished he would. He would help me relax with his nice words. But I typed no. I didn't want him to see me at my worst moment. I was so scared for my sister I almost cried. He would think I'm some kind of crybaby.
After an hour my sister was all checked up and ready to go home. She had a big bandage and a cotton scarf to hold her arm up. She gave me a smile and thanked me for driving her here and waiting with her.

Sam's POV 

I wanted to call my friend. So as we were driving back home I asked Zak for his phone because I left mine at home. He gave it. I opened his phone since I know his password.



Hey you want me to come there?

No it's ok.

Why does he have bad with hearts? "Aww does someone like someone?" I teased him. He looked at his phone just to see the conversation. "Give it here!" he said pulling the phone out of my hands. "You'll call your friend with your phone at home." "But why do you have him with hearts?" I asked. "B-because I wanted him t-to be at the top of the p-phonebook and this was the f-first emoji I found." he stuttered. I knew he was lying but I decided to forget about it. In my mind I was laughing like crazy. He literary liked bad. Ha I knew it.

Darryl's POV

As the Ahmed siblings came home I was still up. I was thinking about today. So much stuff happened. The new student, him playing Minecraft with us, hanging out with Zak, the accident with Zak's sister. Why didn't Zak want me to come. Why would he? It's not like he likes you or something. At 2 am I finally fell asleep. I dreamed about all this stuff.

Okay sorry again for having to wait two days but I didn't have time nor an idea. I wrote something today and I hope you like it. The next chapter might come today not sure tho.

ame as always about grammar. Ilysm 🤩🤩🤩🤩

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