9. The invite

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3rd POV

Later that day Zak came home and saw his sister smiling. "What is going on?" he asked. She replied with: "It's our mom's birthday so I was thinking of making a surprise party. I haven't told her anything yet so shush." The boy almost forgot about it but he bought his mom a present almost two weeks ago. He told Sam about Bad and Vincent but she seemed to only think about the party.
As his sister started preparing for it he walked upstairs to his room. He sat on the bed sliding his arm through his raven hair. He thought about Bad and realized he made such a mistake. Why didn't he want to speak with him. He missed afterwards so... Ugh he felt like such an idiot.
He went back down and helped his sister to lay his mind of.
They heard a blink on Sam's phone.


I'm coming home sweetie and I'll be there in 5 minutes.

They gave eachother a quick glance and finished the decorations. At least they had done the most.

Sam's POV

We turned the lights off so mom wouldn't see the sign and decorations. I heard the keys jangle and the door opened. Mom turned the lights on and we shouted: "Happy birthday!" I saw a tear slide down her cheek but she wiped it down with her sleeve.
I cut the cake and gave each one a piece. We had these colorful plates and glasses. But the most amazing thing was the colorful table cloth. Ok I may be exaggerating but it looked awesome and I'm sure mom was proud. She seemed so happy. "I thought you forgot about it." she said. I saw Zak blush nervously. In my mind I chuckled but I'd never say it out loud. "That's the whole point of surprise parties." I smiled.
We celebrated for the rest of the day and I fell in bed tired as hell. I had a dream about everything that happened today. But something was weird. I did hear Zak say something about it but I didn't really listen to it. I guess my mind rememberes better than I do. "So now we're friends." said my brother in my dreams. So this is what that was all about. They became friends again. That's nice, I guess.

Vincent's POV

After coming home and making my homework I watched television. I heard a blink from my phone.

Ranboo from school

Hey I'm hosting a party this weekend and if you want to come you could.

And also you can bring those friends of yours, Skeppy and Bad.

I couldn't help but scream of happiness. I was invited to a party. At my old school everyone thought I was too nerdy for parties so they never invited me. But now I'm going. Probably.
I'm gonna tell Zak and Bad tomorrow but if they wouldn't want to go I'm not going either.


"Hey guys!" I said when I met them next morning. I told them the news. Skeppy said he was going the first second he processed what I said. Which was not really quick. But Bad, he wasn't sure. I think he felt like he might mess stuff up. Just like I did for the first moments. I gave him a pat on his shoulder and said: "Look, think about it. We're not forcing you into anything." He gave me a smile and nodded.
After classes Bad came to me saying he had decided. "I'm going if you go and be with me the whole time." he said and gave me a questionable face. "Of course. We love you." I assured. He looked at me weirdly when I added: "especially Zak." at the end of that sentence. I laughed as he sighted.

This is more of a filler but it's something. I might post another chapter today.
Thank you for all the support.
Love y'all. 🧁🤩🧁🤩🧁

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