6. The muffin

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Darryl's POV

I slept well until I heard Lucy bark. Someone opened the door. It wasn't my mom or my dad. It was a short boy with raven hair. I realized it was Zak. He scared me. I was not expecting him. "What are you doing here?" I asked trying not to sound sleepy. He just gave me a scary smile. I'm sure he said something  afterwards but I dozed off and hadn't heard him. At 6am my alarm finally normally woke my up. I looked to my side and saw Zak. "Ahh! Why are you here?" I screamed. He woke up and said something like this: "onn twchhm.. Chalmsege... Yhhoum hssmm." If someone could understand that, they're a God. "Say it again." I almost shouted at him. "Someone on twitch gave me a challenge to go at your house and sleep here." he explained. I wasn't sure how this and the things he said before we're the same. I saw that rat wasn't in my room anymore. She probably went out as Zak opened the door.
I told Zak to go home and get his school stuff. But before he went out of my room I said: "Wait do my parents know about this?" Because if they don't he shouldn't go out of my room. They normally wake up before me and sit down at the dining table. "Yes they do. They were the third person to know about this." he assured. "Wait how the third? Who are the first and second? And which am I?" I asked a ton of questions. "The first was the guy who gave me the challenge the second my mom and that's how they are the third. You are the fifth since Lucy was the fourth." he answered smiling. He also assured that he has his school stuff with him. He's prepared I thought.
I brushed my teeth and so did he.
We prepared for school. And then we started our way to it. Again we met Vincent.

Vincent POV

As we walked to school I thought: they are so cute. They both had liked eachother. Not that they had told me it was just that it was obvious. The way Zak looked at Darryl and how Darryl never wanted to go home if Zak was there. Oh love is so sweet.
We came to school. As I was putting my stuff into my locker a younger student bumped into me. His bright blont hair were in my face when I looked at him. He wore this white shirt with red sleeves and the color going over the top of his chest. His friend laughed at him. "Hahaha Tommy you're so clumsy." " At least I dont have a bee school bag like some do." the kid I beloved was Tommy said back. A younger but still older than them student came here. He was really tall. "Sorry I'll take care of them." he told me. He had a black and white mask. Actually he was dressed all black and white. I looked at them kinda confused. "By the way I'm ranboo this is tubbo and this kid here is Tommy." he introduced them. Tommy gave him an angry look. I believed he didn't like the nickname kid. "I'm Vincent." I introduced myself back.

Zak's POV

I saw Vincent talk to some younger students. I saw a guy I knew was called Tommy. I didn't recognize the other two tho.
I plugged my headphones into my ears. Bad's song Muffin came. I heard his nice voice. How he sang was just perfect. It went so good with the music in the background. I'm thinking thinking about you, muffin. Oh I just loved this song. When my voice came I just rolled it over until it was him again. Of course I had nothing with Puffy's part but I really wanted to hear his voice. As the next song came I was already at class. I lowered the voice making it quieter and better for class. I pulled my hood over my head so the teacher wouldn't notice my headphones.
My biology teacher was really nice but he wanted us to have all attention on him. He didn't really like headphones. I sat down pulling my notes out of my bag.
I heard someone say f*ck on the hallway. After that a LANGUAGE!! was echoing down the hallways. I giggled knowing who said it. Next to me Puffy looked at me in confusion. I just told her it was bad. She was happy with the answer.
In the middle of class the song Muffin came back. I slowly handed one of my airpods to Puffy. She smiled and started moving on the rhythm. I hoped the teacher wouldn't notice.
After class I met up with bad and told him about what I heard. From the halways and from my headphones. He giggled. Oh I can't even say how cute he is when he giggles. Everything on him is just perfect. How come a person not like him. I admit it. I liked him more than just a friend. Of course I didn't say that out loud.
We had the same class next. I listened to What makes you beautiful by one direction. It just reminded me of Darryl. If only you saw what I can see, you'd understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know oh ow you don't know you're beautiful. This just fitted him so perfectly. Baby you light up my world like nobody else. Again it was just describing him the way I see him. I gazed at him the whole time. I think my teacher had noticed it but decided to leave it. He was so nice. The teacher not Darryl. I mean yes Darryl too but I meant... Ugh it doesn't matter they're both nice.
The lesson was over so quickly. Again me and bad separated. He had Spanish and I had PE. We said goodbye and I went with Nick and Alex. I finally left my headphones under my clothes.
I missed him. I know I'm just gonna be without him for an hour but it would've been ten times better with him.

As you might've guessed I was listening to Spotify while writing this chapter. Again sorry for late hours.
Correct my grammar but also don't forget to comment other stuff too. Love y'all. 🤩🤩🤩🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁Also if you hadn't yet listen to bad's song Muffin. It good.

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