10. The start of the party

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Zak's POV
As I was walking I heard someone laughing. I looked the way I heard it from. Seeing Bad and Vincent made me smile. I ran to them. "Hey guys what's so funny?" I asked. "Nothing." they said in sinc. They had the "it's nothing but it's something" face. "No seriously guys. I heard you laughing from the other end of the school." I repeated. "I kinda said you love Bad." said Vincent not surely. I sighted. "I know, he's so weird." agreed Bad. I giggled joined by them.
By came Ranboo and stopped at us. "So are you coming to the party?" he asked. Vincent told him that we're coming. "Ok so it's at Tubbo's place where I'm staying now. I'm pretty sure you know where that is." Ranboo said to Vincent. He nodded. "Cool, see you then." I said and waved as he walked away.
"He sure was tall." I said when he was far away. "I'm pretty sure it's just you that are tiny." Vincent giggled. I gave him an angry look.

Time skip before the party.
Toby's POV

I was preparing my house for the party. I was quite mad Ranboo was hosting a party at my house. At least he let me decorate my house. Everything was bee themed. The glasses had bees pictures on them and so did the plates. The bread that was on the plates was served with honey.
Ranboo came in the living room and almost screamed. "By you can decorate I didn't mean everything with bees." he complained jokingly. I giggled and made a mischievous face. "If you would do it it would be enderman themed." I laughed.
It was almost time.
We heard the doorbell ring. It was Tommy, he said he'll come sooner to help us. He wore "the shirt" and that made me giggle. "I'm the first one right?" he asked. "Yeah!" I replied. "So who else did you invite?" he asked Ranboo. "George, Sapnap, Dream," Mentioning Dream made him roll his eyes. "Wilbur, Vincent and his friends Skeppy and Badboyhalo," "Oh no not Bad!" Tommy said. "What the f*ck?" said Ranboo. "Exactly that." "Ok and I invited Tecno and Jack and Nikki. I think that's everyone." Ranboo continued.
After five minutes Bad, Skeppy and Vincent came in. As Bad said hi Tommy giggled nervously. Then came Dream and George, after them Wilbur, Nikki and Jack and the last ones to arrive we're Sapnap and Technoblade.
I tuned on music and everyone started dancing. After a few minutes some of us stopped.

Darryl's POV

I joined Zak and Vincent on the sofa. I sat right to Zak who was in the middle. We talked and after a few minutes Dream came and asked if we wanted to go dance. Me and Zak denied but Vincent felt like it and went with Dream. So it was just me and Zak.
I looked in his eyes. After a few seconds he looked up too. He was nervously rubbing his arms along his legs. I moved a bit closer to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He rested his head on my shoulder. I put my other hand on his head sliding my fingers through his hair.

This is a cliffhanger. I know. Today it's a two for one. Love y'all muffins. 🧁🤩🧁🤩🧁

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