17. The night

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Sapnap's POV

We walked to school with Bad and Skeppy. They were holding hands. I felt kind of jealous because me and Karl were stuck at "just friends" and they were a couple holding hands, kissing and just doing couple stuff. But I went with it. They were my friends and that's what matters.
I made jokes all the way there. Mostly they would laugh, sometimes just Skeppy and sometimes we were stuck in awkward silence.
It was a nice day of the last week of school. We started to get results to test and we would compare them. Bad always had good grades, and so did Wilbur. Especially in history, but also at others subjects Techno had good grades too. I remember seeing a few younger students laughing at those bad grades they got. The shortest was struggling to read some of the results so the oldest helped him. The blond one was pretending to be happy, but I saw a tear falling down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away as the other boys looked his way. The oldest seemed the most chill about it, but I'm not sure, I hadn't seen his facial expressions under the mask ang glasses.

Time skip to after school
Zak's POV

After school I invited Darryl to my place. My mom wasn't home, she was taking my sister to shop for clothes.
We sat down on the bed. "I love you." said Bad. "I love you too." I replied and kissed him. We fell down on the bed, hugging. "I love you so much." he said again. Then I felt like I could never let him go. And so I didn't. It felt like a dream that I wouldn't want it wake up from. He was perfect. Like a reflection of a god.
Playing with his hair I fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night. The moon shining through the window and the sound of Bad's breathing. I fully opened my eyes and checked the time. 2.14 am.
I turned on a small light on my nightstand. I picked up a book and looked at the title to know what I was expecting. At the end of the world I met Noah. It sounded interesting and I started reading it. In a few minutes I was in the book, fully understanding what was going on and nervous as they were.
It was a long book and I was reading until morning.
Then Bad woke up. He smiled and waved at me. I love him.

Hi! So I know I wasn't active for a very long time and I'm sorry. I had school and I just kinda forgot about this story. But because I have no ideas or motivation to write more chapters this one is the last one. Thank you for all your support and again I love y'all.

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