3. The next school day

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Zak's POV

When we came out of the cinema his dad's car was all ready there. We quietly walked out. I opened my door and took a sit. All the way back to his house I was thinking about him not allowing me to hold his hand. I know we're just friends and nothing else. But his eyes, his skin, his face. They were all perfect...And his kindness, his clever mind... Oh he was just the best human being possible. But I guess he didn't think the same. I'm probably just a boring friend that he has to spend his days with.
I sighed. "Why are we so quiet." bad said. "I thought you didn't want to talk. You know because of the hand holding." I said back with a tiny smile. "No it's really OK" he said and smiled even more. "and I thought you didn't want to talk because of that." He giggled. That made me want to smile too. And me smiling made bad smile even more. And so on and so on. We laughed like two crazy idiots. In what seemed like a minute we came to bad's home.
I had to go home. I really wanted to stay. We had so much fun laughing and messing around. Since I only live a few blocks away I decided to go by foot. I took my bag and opened the front door. "Wait, I'll go with you." bad said before I closed the door. And so he went with me. Right before my house I remembered something. "F*ck, I forgot my phone at your house." "Language! But yes leave your bag here and we'll go back." he suggested. And so I left my bag at home said, hi to my mom and sister and quickly ran back to bad. "Ok let's go." I said. We ran back and we laughed like crazy again. We didn't even know why we were running. We could just walk. But no, we ran like two idiots. I then took my phone, said bye to bad who decided to stay at home know and slowly walked back.

Time skip to next Monday cause I don't know what to write.

Darryl's POV

I woke up to my alarm. I opened my eyes and saw rat on my bed. How did she get here I thought. My door was closed. I let her out and put on a shirt. It was really hot outside since it was middle of May. I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth. I asked my mom how did Lucy came into my bedroom. "Oh it's because I left the door opened in the kitchen and didn't want her to get out so I left her at your bedroom." she explained everything.
I packed my bag and walked to the end of the street where we meet with Zak. He seemed to be daydreaming. "Hi there Zak." I said. "Oh hi. Sorry I was just thinking about something." he answered.

Back to the morning.

Zak's POV

My phone was ringing like crazy. At first I thought bad was messaging me like four million text but no it was just my alarm going off. Oh no I had to wake up.
I pulled my orange T-shirt on. I decided to also wear some black shorts. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and packed my bag.
On the way to bad I was trapped in my own thoughts. I was daydreaming about me and bad. Imagine that. Me and bad on a trip. Me and bad in a restaurant. Me and bad kissing.
"Hi there Zak." something put me back on earth. "Oh hi. Sorry I was just thinking about something." I saved myself. Hoped he doesn't suspect anything.
We slowly went to school. We put our stuff in our lockers and went to English. Our English teacher, Miss Wallzey was also our class teacher. We took seats and after a few minutes the bell rang.
"Hello class. I have something to tell you." she said. "You'll be getting a new student." she announced. She waved her hand and a boy came in. "Welcome Vincent. You will seat there next to Zak." she told him and pointed at the seat next to me. I gave him a little smile. He smiled back. I asked him where his from. "France, but I'll be studying here." he said in a weird accent I guessed was French.

3rd POV (Darryl's thoughts)

The bell rang and a hord of students was walking down the halways. Zak decided to speak with Darryl. "Hi bad. Watcha doin?" he said in a funny way. "Hi I'm just preparing for the next class. How's the new kid?" the gold haired boy asked. "He's nice. He's from France and has this weird accent." laughed Zak. Darryl hoped Zak won't like Vincent more than him. What was he thinking. It's not like he will be cheating on him. Zak can have as many friends as he want. Vincent seemed nice and Darryl hoped he was right.
When Zak and bad wanted to home together they heard someone say: "Hey guys since I heard where you're going I'm just wondering if I can go with you?" asked the French guy. They agreed. As they were walking home it started raining. Since Zak lived the closest he invited them to his house for until it stopped raining.
He wanted to show them something on his computer. Vincent noticed an icon on his desktop. "You play Minecraft too?" he asked in amazement. "Of course who doesn't these days." Zak and bad said in union. Bad had the idea to play it. After in what seemed like a minute it stopped raining and they had to go home. A part of the way they had was the same so they went together.
As Darryl came home he opened up his computer to check his YouTube channel. After five minutes of making sure he uploaded the last video a notification came. A6d was subscribed to him.

Ok so this is the third chapter. As I said in the "about" let's forget about the a6d drama please.
Again correct my grammar in a nice way, comment and maybe if you like this story and you would like some skephalo oneshots follow me. Thanks ❤

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