8. The after game

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Darryl's POV

Even after a week me and Zak haven't spoke a word. I've tried speaking to him but he ignored me. He looked away pretending I'm not there or started talking to someone else. I was sad. He was my best friend after all. We normally talked everyday and now, now it's like we never met. It's like he ghosted me.
That Monday I saw him take Rocco out for a walk. He got him a few days ago and I've seen him walking Rocco almost everyday. He wore a sad face I imagined was my fault.
I turned my face away from the window. I prepared for school and took my bag downstairs where I ate breakfast. I walked to school the way we normally went.
In the hall I met up with Vincent who had his locker next to mine. "Hi man I've got to tell you something." I said. He looked at me with a face saying: spit it out. "So you might know what happened to me and Zak." I started explaining.

Vincent's POV

He was talking and talking, telling all the stuff he wanted to say for this whole week but was keeping it inside. He almost cried there in the hallway but I reminded him where he was and he pulled his tear back up. I hugged him and made sure he was okay. We didn't have the same class next so I had to say goodbye.
On the way to biology I met Zak. And what surprised me was that he started to talk about the kiss to. From his mouth came almost exact words Bad said earlier. I realized that they were both trying to think about something else but couldn't do it. They wanted to be back to normal but thought the other didn't want that.
I had an idea.
At English that we had together I decided to speak with both of them. I told Bad I want to meet him five minutes before the class and the same I said to Zak. They both thought we would have a normal talk one on one. But they were wrong.
"What is he doing here?" asked Bad. I explained. "You both want eachother to be friends again. So I decided to do that." They were a bit confused but before they could say anything the bell rang.
We sat in the class quietly, glancing at each other sometimes.
After class I continued my talking and they were surprised the other one thought the same.

Back to when Zak got his dog
Zak's POV

That day I came home and made my homework. My sister ran into my room giggling. After her stepped in my mom. She closed my eyes and lead me downstairs into the living room. I heard some walking and thought about the source of it. When my mom removed her hands I saw a puppy. Of course, it was Rocco I almost forgot about him. I sat down on the floor and let him jump into my lap. He licked my face and kept jumping up and down. I laughed.
Next week I walked him around every day. I went by Bad's house and just couldn't stop thinking about him. Sometimes I looked up to his window and saw him at it. I quickly looked down hoping he hadn't noticed.
That all I told when Vincent gathered us.

Back to normal time
Darryl's POV

Of course I have noticed, that was exactly why I kept trying to talk with him. Why did he hope I hadn't.
I looked him in the eyes and saw the person who laughed with me when he forgot his phone at my house. He was the one who helped me remember school stuff but didn't remember it either. I missed him.
"Look I'm so sorry." he started but I cut him off. "It's okay and I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable." he accepted my apology and so did I. I wanted to give him a hug but I didn't want to be weird. After a few moments of awkward silence Zak did exactly that. I felt so relieved to finally be with him again.

3rd POV

The friends walked down the hallway. They were happy again each in his own way. Darryl was happy to be with his friend again and wished something like that wouldn't happen again. Zak was freed his word that had been bubbling inside him for so long. And Vincent, Vincent was happy to see his friends be friends again and was proud to be the one to bring them back.

Okay I know it's Wednesday and it's totally not weekend but I'm sick so I have time. This is something in between my options but it just feels right, ya know.
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Love y'all muffins.

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