11. The morning

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Zak's POV

I snuggled up with him. I turned my head up and gave him a kiss on the neck. I felt his heart beat faster and he became much warmer I guessed was because of blushing. He layed his head on mine.
"Hey guys, guys!" I heard Toby say. It woke me up. I opened my eyes and pulled my body away from Bad. "It's morning and I believe you don't want to live here." Tubbo continued. "Yes, yes we're so sorry." I heard from behind me. "No it's ok, we let you sleep." said Ranboo. I realized what we had done. "F*ck! We slept?!" I shouted. "Language!" replied Bad. And yes Ranboo explained that we fell asleep on the sofa. Me and Bad looked at eachother and blushed of awkwardness. "Ok that way weird as muffins." I said trying not to swear. "Muffins aren't weird." argued Bad. "Ok guys this isn't the point." Tubbo stopped the arguing. "You get your stuff and go home. Don't care who's home tho." he continued. We all giggled.
After getting our stuff Ranboo opened the door and said goodbye. "We'll see you soon." said Bad as we started going. We walking in silence that was broken only when a car stopped so we could cross the road and Bad said thank you.
I came into my house and pet Rocco who came to meet me. "Zak where were you tonight?" asked my mom angry. "I-I kinda fell asleep at Tubbo's house." I answered. She gave me a warning look but went to continue cooking. I looked at Sam but she just gave me a fake angry look and then smiled.
I walked upstairs and put my clothes into the laundry room. I sat on my bed and looked outside. It was such a beautiful day. There was no clouds and the sun was shining so bright. I heard birds tweeting and some dogs were barking. I texted Bad if he wanted to hang out.


Hey, would you want to hang out? 😄

Yes let's meet at your house in 10 minutes. Ok?

Yeah sure!

I dressed in my sky blue hoodie and some jeans. I heard the bell ring and Rocco bark. I almost jumped down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey! I brought Lucy with me and we could take her and Rocco for a walk." Bad said and smiled. "Yes this is such a great idea." I replied and grabbed Rocco's leash.

Rocco's POV

I watched Zak as he leashed me and we walked out the door. I saw someone else was going with us. I introduced myself to the other dog. "Hey I'm Rocco, Zak's dog. I'm a Labradoodle. What about you?" I asked. "I'm  Lucy, and I'm Darryl's dog. I'm a Maltese." she answered and wagged her tail. "I've heard about your owner from Zak, he talks about him a lot." I told her. "What does he say?" "He normally says how nice and handsome Darryl is." I replied.
I looked up seeing our owners holding hands.

This is a chapter. If you are smart enough you would know that.
The "oh no we slept" part is meant that they fell asleep nothing else you dirty minded muffins.
To thank you for reading I will try to get to know you. Where are you from? If you don't want to tell the country you can just say which continent. I'm from Slovenia.
Love y'all 🧁🤩🧁🤩🧁

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