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author: hi i um so i forgot some of other face claims so here they are:

eleanor sinclair
(the director)

jenna keating

dylan howard
(i forgot how to spell summerall? sumeral? summeral? musty ass bitch? you get it)

TW // mentions of addiction

[ 6625 words ]

MORE THAN HALF THE KIDS in violet's class hated the hospital, they hated going to the doctor and just being there in general. but not violet, of course not. it was her sanctuary, she loved visiting her grandma, getting free lollipops from her great uncle alex, it was her home.

lauren often told her not to run off, but lauren had herself to blame for her daughter's stubbornness, seeing as it all came from her. every time violet got the chance to run off in the hospital her gamma works at? she took it.

and today wasn't any different. their pre-school took her class on a school trip to the hospital to learn about doctors and all that stuff, and to violet? it was the most boring thing ever. she knew the hospital inside out.

she didn't have any friends in class, so she was stuck with the teacher as her partner. violet tried to be obedient for once and not run off, but the moment her great uncle jackson starting talking about something called the plastics posse, all she could think about was running over to the cafeteria to get her favorite sandwich. normally, one would have to pay, but if your grandmother's the chief? violet didn't even know you had to pay for things at the hospital.

her class was in some kind of room as her great aunt amelia talked about how she operated on the brain. her resident, stephanie, was leaving the room to get some scans. and violet as cunning and mischievous as she was (which they all say came from uncle justin) found her way out.

when the teacher and rest of her class was distracted by some brain scan, violet bolted out of the room, but somehow, they didn't hear a sound.

"violet! what are you doing here? where's your mama?" her great aunt jo asked her, stopping the little four year old from getting any further away from her class

"at work" violet replied innocently, cocking her head at the resident

"so what are you out here all by yourself? does anyone know where you are?"

"yeah! gamma mer said i can go to the food court so i can get a sammich!"

"you want me to come with you?"

"it's okay! i get it myself" the blonde beamed, skipping past the resident who was a little confused. but it wasn't too uncommon for them to see violet just wandering around the hospital, she usually had her bear with her though. jo simply shrugged it off, making her way over to prepare a patient for a surgery she was doing. with gamma mer.

violet | j.martell (sequel) Where stories live. Discover now