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author: hey besties it was april 24 a couple days ago, and if you paid attention to the first few chapters you know that april 24 is violet holland-martell's birthday!

this isn't a violet birthday chapter yet bc i'm far behind but belated happiest birthday to my favorite laeden kid 🫂

not edited lol enjoy

[ 8880 words ]

THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT THE cold ocean breeze brushing upon jaeden's skin that comforted him. he was never a fan of the cold, nor did he like the ocean, but somehow this, standing by the railings of the edges of lucas and bella's yacht and just gazing out into the ocean, was the most relaxed he's felt in a really long time.

they had been on the yacht for hours doing whatever activity they desired. lucas was alone with bella most of them time while everyone else kind of just dilly-dallied. everyone was doing their own thing right now, justin was playing with violet (as he usually was), audrey was staring out into the ocean just like jaeden was but she was standing a few meters away from him.

they both knew that the other wanted to be alone. they weren't sure about the exact reason, but they knew better than to try to make conversation — right now at least.

jaeden and audrey always had some sort of bond, they weren't as close as you'd think considering all the connections. i mean, jaeden dated lauren and audrey was her best friend, audrey was dating justin who was pretty close with jaeden. of course things weren't necessarily the same anymore but their relationship was slowly going back to the way it was. but back to audrey and jaeden, they just understood each other at a certain level. they had an unspoken language of some sort they just got each other.

beth and august were with wyatt and erin, probably drinking. yes, wyatt and erin were invited to the proposal. lexie was too actually, so tonight was going to be interesting to say the least. apparently jill, beth's ex, was invited too but she never showed.

as a little 'sorry for interrupting your valentines plans' gift, jaeden was watching violet for the night so lauren and riley could — resume their valentines plans. the thought made jaeden want to throw up in the ocean but lauren said it herself, it wasn't the same. he had no right to be jealous or whatever the hell he was feeling.

he wasn't a big fan of the aura of the whole thing. being broken up with on valentines day was the last thing he ever thought would happen. now he was on a cruise filled with couples and love was in the air. he was with violet a lot but he still felt lonely. frankly even when he was with sateen he still felt a little lonely. the gaping hole lauren's departure gave to him was too wide to be filled by just anyone.

"you alright?" he heard a familiar voice ask, the actor lifted his gaze towards it, a shy grin spreading across his lips when he placed a hand on his nape, replying to audrey with

"yeah i'm fine. are you? you were in really deep thought back there?"

"just looking for inspiration. having a bit of a writer's block and i need to finish my album by next month. anyways, really though, you just got broken up with, and on valentines day. i can — well justin and i can watch over violet for the night if you wanna drink your heart away you know"

violet | j.martell (sequel) Where stories live. Discover now