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[ 6585 words ]

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" SATEEN asked in a soft voice as jaeden walked into their shared apartment. a guilty expression spread across his face as he hung his coat up on the coat rack, he made his way over to his girlfriend, his gaze still fixated on the ground when he replied to her with

"i was out"

"with who? would it kill you to answer your phone? i had to cancel the reservation!"

"i know, i know i'm sorry it slipped my mind" he mumbled, he placed a hand on her shoulder and sat her down in the kitchen with him. taking a deep breath, he carefully took her hands into his, he caressed the valley of her knuckles with his thumb as he stared intently into her brown eyes, telling her

"i was — i was with violet today"


"my daughter" he breathed, the brunette was taken aback, she cleared throat as she promptly pulled her hands away from jaeden, saying

"so it's confirmed?"

"yup. well least lauren said i was, the paternity test is coming in tomorrow." he sighed, pulling the stool from under the kitchen counter and sitting down

"it was only for formalities sake anyway. there couldn't have been anyone else. she has my eyes, she's lactose intolerant, she had my dimples, she pronounces sandwich as sammich, i used to do the same"

a smile grew on jaeden's lips the more he talked about his daughter, he's spent less than twenty four hours with her but even sateen could see just how much he adored her.

"she's well-spoken, very mature for her age. lauren suggested that they don't play at the booth and go to the ferris wheel instead so we could eat at the restaurant. violet wanted the frog stuffed toy, but she didn't throw a tantrum like i thought she was going to. she just said okay and cared more about her sammich. she loves sandwiches so much"

"she and justin have the purest relationship. justin talked to her more than he talked to the rest of us. and she — she just adores audrey. she loves animals, and she loves performing. after dinner she showed us her dance for her ballet recital. she's a natural"

"she sounds like a great kid" sateen said, sitting next to her boyfriend and placing a hand on his shoulder

"she is. she's amazing. and she's my kid sateen, my kid" he repeated, letting out a breath in disbelief. he couldn't believe that he and lauren created something as magical and amazing as violet.

"so what now?"

"i wanna be there for her. i wanna go to her recitals and i just — i wanna be her dad"

sateen found it heartwarming. jaeden wanted to be involved, he wanted to be the dad he never had and she was beyond proud of him for it. she wasn't going to get in the way of that, she had no right to.

but problem is, she wasn't sure if wanted to be a step mom.

after a long struggle to get violet out of the car to go to school, lauren surprisingly arrived at work ten minutes before their morning meeting. she padded into the writer's room that was buzzing with chatter, plopping down on the couch next to beth.

violet | j.martell (sequel) Where stories live. Discover now