38: You Gotta Stop Acting Like A Girl

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Well-versed in combat?

Has a strong sense of justice?

Wealthy and has a Pyro Vision?

There was only one person who could fit all five descriptions in Mondstadt.

"Seems probable since he spent some time busting the Fatui," Soleil muttered as she walked up the dirt road, spotting Dawn Winery up ahead of her.

She could also smell the sweet and sour scent of grapes from the vineyard she passed by. Soleil hummed as she climbed the stone stairs and looked at the establishment in front of her.

"Classy," she said, nodding her head in approval. The mansion was something that appealed to her sense of style.

Soleil passed by the cultivated bushes and knocked on the double doors. She touched the flowers on either side of the porch and heard faint steps clacking from inside.

The doors opened, revealing a well-dressed maid with short and curled cream hair. She wore the typical maid outfit, but her posture and good bearing would put actual noble ladies to shame.

"Greetings. I am Adelinde, the head maid of the mansion. What brings you here, miss...?" the maid asked.

"Soleil. Nice to meet you, Adelinde. I wish to speak with Master Diluc on some important matters. Don't worry, he knows me," Soleil said with a small smile.

"I see. I apologize to inform you, but Master Diluc is currently occupied with some other...guests," Adelinde looked slightly disturbed, "Please come back later. Or would you prefer to wait until they are done speaking?"

"I'll wait," Soleil answered. "Very well. Please come in, then," Adelinde said and stepped to the side for Soleil to come in. Soleil complied and let Adelinde close the doors shut.

Expensive furniture enveloped the entire floor. White curtains with high quality fluttered near the large, open windows. Red carpets lined up on the decorated floor and banners of the same color hung from the walls. The symbol of House Ragnvindr was embroidered on them.

The mansion's interior was exquisite. "Please sit wherever you like. But I advise you not to touch anything delicate," Adelinde told Soleil, who nodded.

She approached the cushioned seats near the windowsill and patted the pillows. "If it's not too much, I'd like to ask who are Master Diluc's other guests?" Soleil turned to the standing maid.

"A few noblemen from the other aristocratic families," Adelinde answered briefly, folding her hands over her stomach with grace.

"I see," Soleil looked around, "I mean no offense, but it feels too spacy in here. Does he live on his own?"

"Yes... Master Diluc's father, Master Crepus, had long passed away. I think it has been four years or five," Adelinde answered sadly, "Master Diluc has taken over as head of House Ragnvindr and took care of the family business since then."

"Oh... Right," Soleil blinked, "Sorry for asking."

"It is nothing. Master Diluc would have dismissed it as well. If there is nothing else you wish to ask of me, I will be tending to my other duties," Adelinde curtsied and walked off.

Soleil smiled and watched her disappear into the corner. She leaned back on the cozy couch and gazed around her again.

It was luxurious and warm with the fireplace flickering with fire and the lamps lit around the place. The mansion was basically the epitome of grandness and bested all of the other Mondstadtian aristocrats.

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