11: Farming Field Tillers

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Soleil dropped her quill pen on the bedside table. A disgruntled sigh left her frowning face, "Not enough."

She lied back on her bed, placing her papers on the sheets. She closed her eyes and hugged her pillow, "It's still not enough..."

Lisa may have said she did well, but the true criteria speaks that she was still lacking. The ruins were just ruins and books were just books. They had their limitations in providing what she sought for and this is what irked her.

Soleil messed her hair and sat up, clicking her tongue in annoyance before wearing her lab coat and clicking the golden belt above it to secure it. She left the inn and shielded her eyes so she could look up and feel the wind.

She can't remain stuck at one point. She must keep looking.

She patted the items clinging to both her thighs and sped off the stairs, heels clicking rapidly before she exited the open gates of Mond and off into the open wilderness.

Ian's squadron didn't see her exit through her room's window. To them, she was either sleeping or studying in her room. But one of them sleepily yawned and stretched, looking into the distance where a figure of both yellow gold and white fled. He froze.

"I-Ian!" he rapidly patted their leader and pointed at the running Soleil.

The man nearly tripped as he yelled in a panic while fixing his grip on his spear, "Miss Soleil!"

"Ah..." Soleil shook her head disappointedly. They noticed too soon.

She looked at them momentarily to grin before sprinting, "Hehe!"

She ignored the distant echoes of them calling her name and crossed the stone bridge to run across the grass fields. Her stockings were slightly wet after meeting the dew perched on the blades of grass.

But this fazed her not. She turned and saw the knights' literally shining armor as they jogged under the sun to chase her. "They sure are persistent," Soleil mused.

She wasn't really trying to run from them nor did she have a reason to hide. But she was curious why Kaeya sent these people as her escorts. They couldn't even match her pace!

Either way, she decided to test their capabilities. She giggled as she ran further, diving into the trees in front of her and into the forest. This place will definitely confuse them.

Will they be able to find her? Soleil felt childish, but she can't help it if the opportunity to bug them presented itself to her.

She hid behind the large trunk of a tree when two knights passed by. They called for "Miss Soleil" while looking around, panting as they were forced to run. She giggled a little more before pressing deeper into the forest.

She kept running and hiding, until the forest clearing was buried behind the trees and its foliage. The sun was not as intense as it was and Soleil walked beneath the shades, looking up to see some birds perched on branches and flying away when she passed by.

Soleil stopped momentarily and looked around with a hum. If that bard was here, his music would definitely attract the animals and critters.

The idea struck her as amusing as she walked off. But she froze again when she heard a gust of wind behind her. She halted and looked around warily.

That wasn't like the wind when it blows. It was the kind of gust made when someone or something passes by. An agile one, at that.

She turned to the side, seeing the blur of a figure. She was about to pull out the item from her left holster when another sound in the distance echoed.

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