5: Back to Business

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"Here's your Golden Crab and Rice Buns. Enjoy!" Xiangling smiled as she placed some orders on Soleil's and Xingqiu's table.

"Thanks," Xingqiu said. "Do you want to add something on the side? I just made a new set of never before seen dishes this morning! Do you?" Xiangling asked with starry eyes.

"Erm...what are those dishes, exactly?" Xingqiu asked nervously as he took his Golden Crab. He was giving Xiangling a concerned look.

"Why, spicy mushroom skewers sprinkled in salty crushed crystal fly! There's also rice balls coated with sweet slime condensate and–"

Good lord Morax, Xingqiu thought in fear as Xiangling listed a bunch of her...unique and creative dishes. Xingqiu is never the type to use any disparaging words towards others...even if it was fitting.

"Uh... I don't think we'll need any of those, Xiangling. A-As you can see, Miss Soleil is very busy and a heavy meal will only disrupt her thinking process," Xingqiu smiled nervously.

"Hm? Oh," Xiangling said in realization to see Soleil at the other side of the table. Soleil was all too quiet, Xiangling nearly forgot she was there.

Soleil was very intent as she read a few papers in hand, leaning on her chair with crossed legs. Xiangling felt a little intimidated with how blank Soleil's face was.

"I better not disturb you both, then. Pops! I'm out to get more ingredients!" Xiangling called to Chef Mao, who waved a hand before focusing on the stove.

"I'll be back in a while. Let me make you something up for you two. Thinking needs lots of energy, right? Heehee!" Xiangling giggled before racing out of Wanmin Restaurant.

"Yes... Safe travels, Xiangling," Xingqiu waved. Once the chef girl was out of sight, he sighed in relief.

"Hopefully, she'll take a while," he mumbled and turned to Soleil, who only hummed and nodded distractively.

Xingqiu couldn't honestly tell what she was thinking while reading and it made him quite nervous. Still, he had the courage to ask Soleil for her tips. Soleil is known to be very blunt and sharp with errors but he'll take what he can to grow.

The Guhua bookworm waited for a while as Soleil flipped through the papers. He ate his Golden Crab while Soleil has yet to touch her food. She was just sitting there, unmoving while her eyes darted left and right on the pages and an unreadable look on her face.

She suddenly placed it down with an audible thud, making Xingqiu flinch in surpise. She looked at Xingqiu and blinked her eyes.

"How was it?" Xingqiu asked. Soleil sighed and took a rice bun with her chopsticks, "Had you submitted these papers, your entire family will be doomed as soon as the sun rises tomorrow."

Xingqiu winced at her words but made no violent reaction. Instead, he sighed and nodded, "I should have seen this coming."

"I mean no offense, dear Xingqiu. But if I were to treat this as a professional consultation, you really have to get the quill and paper. There are some things you need to fix," Soleil said.

"I can never trust my brother with the documents," Xingqiu mumbled and cleared his throat, "Please give me your full and honest opinion and correct the errors, Soleil. I wish to improve."

"That's the spirit," Soleil smiled approvingly at his attitude. She then adjusted her chair so she can sit beside Xingqiu and read the papers with him.

"First, about this proposal for a trade route expansion... I want this cancelled. I understand how there is a need for better import and export method, but it is unwise for you to send this out. The current routes are being overseered by the Yuheng and I doubt she will agree to an expansion when other trade routes are being monitored. This will just add to her work. With the constant activity of Treasure Hoarders and criminals outside of Liyue, sending out personnel will be risky and your resources will be robbed and the project won't be finished. Investment on this one is risky and you do not want to waste any mora at this point in time," Soleil stated.

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