58: A Moment Of Syzygy

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Soleil had lost count of the times blood was spilled on the sacred grounds of Teyvat.

But if there was one thing she was sure of, it was that it wasn't going to end anytime sooner.

Too much blood has been spilled that it was great enough to color the pale moon red. The sign of divine punishment has never been so horrifying and traumatic.

Because it was divine, none could escape.

But there was one who wished to defy and did so with all her life.

Soleil ran. She ran and ran across the collapsing bridges and pillars high above the clouds. She had almost slipped countless times, but all she did was run.

It didn't matter if she was running out of breath. Her legs never gave out because of the sensation that an omnipresent figure was about to grab her from behind.

But she had only been a small child. She could never hold out for that long. Soleil screamed as the airborne pathway collapsed, causing her to fall.


She yelled until her back struck another platform. Soleil cried in pain while trying to get up.

She was trapped on a circular platform, embedded with carvings that were too familiar to the ones in Dragonspine.

Soleil couldn't run or hide. So she gritted her teeth in anticipation while gathering her courage. Her heartbeat only sped up once the air above her warped and sliced open with red and black matter.

A spacial rift shaped into a four-pointed star appeared. Soleil felt dizzy with the vibrations the rift has caused in the air.

A figure dressed in white, black, and red emerged from the portal and casted a blank look on the frail child on the platform. It was faint, but her cross irises narrowed at the sight.

Soleil looked up and saw a woman. Her long, white hair drifted behind like curtains in the wind or flames of a fire. She floated towards Soleil with a condemning look on her face.

"You have run for too long, mortal. Face the consequences of your nonfeasance."

Young Soleil responded with a glare. She clenched her fists and got up on one knee.

"Teyvat sought to rebuild, only for you to set it all ablaze again and again. How many times must this happen?" she asked, "Why do you still let people live if you are going to destroy them all in the end anyway?!"

"It is the law of this world, something you never seem to understand despite the many examples given to make you understand," the woman replied.

"Examples?" Soleil asked in disbelief. She angrily pointed at the ruins around her, "Another nation has fallen with its people dead at your command! You call this an 'example'?!"

"It is because of your dereliction that I must act. I am the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. It is my duty to uphold order in this world," the woman replied.

"'Order'," Soleil said weakly, "Countless slaughters made you insane... This isn't how your duty is meant to be done..."

"Do not lecture me on how things are done. The laws must be upheld and you must be judged accordingly," the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles raised a palm calmly.

Soleil felt her blood run cold when a black and red box materialized around her, slowly caging her in.

"No!" she tried to escape, only to be met with a black wall that closed in on her. She struggled against the impenetrable force.

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