37(Moonchase) Quick, Cold, and Cunning Part Two

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"Why did you stop me?"

The restrained edge in her usually soothing voice caused him to look over his shoulder.

"Hm?" he asked. She continued to look down, hiding her face yet he could still see her lips tremble.

"Those people demolished the temple of the adepti without permission...and you let them," her voice shook with emotions she tried to keep in check.

"They had to. I simply couldn't have stopped them," he answered calmly.

"They destroyed what was left of them! After so much sacrifice, so much deaths...just so these ungrateful people can live to humiliate their honor," she glared at the ground, "Their disrespect angers me so much."

"I should have punished them, yet you sided with them instead," hurt was evident in her teary eyes, "Why?"

That made him stop in his tracks. His eyea softened to see the rage she wanted to keep controlled.

Her anger was justified. The temple of the adepti was built many centuries ago to honor the adepti who perished protecting the people of Liyue. But now... It was destroyed. A few merchants found it better to establish a resort for foreigners to stop by.

Yes, he wanted to feel angry. All those friends from long before... Their only memories were now gone and replaced for profit.

But he could never get angry. The only thing he could feel is exhaustion, but he never blamed the merchants for doing what they had to do.

"Why do you care so much for Liyue? These people can't even recognize you, so why do you keep letting yourself be hurt like this...?" she asked, her voice small like a whisper.

"The city changes over time and people are beginning to forget everything that has happened. These rites held to remember them became an object of simple pleasure and profit... Look," she pointed ahead of them, "They even dared to use the Statue of the Seven as a place for their pets to pee."

Sure enough, a Statue of the Seven in the plains were stained with dog stool and urine. He can only chuckle in response.

"These pesky foreigners dare to... And why are you laughing?!" she asked angrily.

"Because it is amusing," he replied with a smile. "How is that amusing?! The Statue is desecrated with no regards for Rex Lapis!" she complained.

"A Statue is a Statue. You should find that the dogs must have some sense not to just release in the middle of nowhere. Impressive," he responded with genuine wonder.

"Up until now, you're still going to be lenient?! You're so annoying!" she stomped on the ground with a frustrated squeal.

His smile faded when tears began to drip on the ground where she stood. Silence reigned and her sniffles became louder.

"I can't understand you... Just why? You have the power to put them in their place... Why do you sacrifice for a city that doesn't even care?" she asked, trying to dry her tears with her hands.

She sniffled a few times, which made him sigh. He really dislikes seeing her cry.

"Come here," he said and ushered her closer. She said nothing and walked over while looking down.

She stopped in front of him and rested her forehead against his chest. He, in turn, can only chuckle tenderly and bring her into a loose hug. She was so small in his embrace.

"Please dry your tears. Why do you cry for me? You worry for the right reasons, but I assure you I am fine," he said soothingly.

"No, you're not..." she said. "Yes, I am," he smiled, "You asked me why I do so much for Liyue and my answer lies in the families we passed by. As a person tasked to oversee, it only brings me joy to see the peaceful state of the city. I could not be angry at them for their carefree spirit. For just as a parent who cares for a child, they can only beam with happiness when the baby becomes an adult. The village became a city... There is nothing else I can ask for the people."

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