992 16 0

August 2017



The sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the room, I was an emotional mess and couldn't stop the tears from running down my face. It wasn't my first time hearing the steady thumping of our baby's heart, but with every appointment, it gets more real, more emotional for me. Colson clutched my hand tightly from next to me, it was his first time hearing the baby's heartbeat in person, I could tell he was at a loss of words. His thumb traced over the back of my hand as he watched the lady rub the metal across my swollen stomach.

"Okay, do you guys want the sex now?"

"Yes ma'am," Colson spoke, not giving me a chance to answer, I looked at him and smiled as I wiped my tears. Both of us decided that we would wait until the third trimester to get the gender, we agreed that it would be best to wait until I was in the clear and further along so we didn't gain any false hope, now that I'm almost 7 months we feel as though it's safe enough to start sharing the news of our pregnancy and learn the gender of our Bean.

"Okay, just give me a minute," she paused, the cool metal transducer pressed into my stomach, she repositioned it a couple of times and I watched as her eyes lit up, after a moment of her talking and me completely zoning out she looked back up towards us,

"Congratulations, you guys are having a girl," I let out a quiet sob and Colson shot up to his feet in excitement, the woman let out a laugh at his sudden reaction.

"We're having a girl MJ," he whispered into my ear as he kissed my temple. He calmed down and plopped back into his seat, I was in awe and couldn't process what was going on around me, the woman handed me paper towels to wipe my stomach and handed the ultrasound photos to Colson. Neither of us could stop grinning as we made our way out of the room, Colson having a little more pep in his step than usual. The second we stepped out of the doctor's office I opened my phone to FaceTime Casie,

"Who you calling?" Colson asked as he helped me into the car,

"Casie, I promised her she'd be the first one I told," he nodded and shut the door behind me, the phone rang twice before it was answered, her face lit up on the screen just as Colson got into the driver's seat,

"Did you find you yet?" She spoke excitedly, I smiled at her, she looked so cute when she was excited,

"Yes we did," I paused, "we're having a girl" we both squealed, her grin was so wide and I could tell she was happy with the new information, I was too, I don't actually care what the gender of the baby is, but I did secretly want a girl.

"Oh my god, I can't wait, are you with Dad?" I hummed in response and handed Colson the phone, we had yet to leave the parking lot,

"Hi baby," Colson began smiling down at my phone, he loves his daughter so much, I can see the twinkle in his eyes when he speaks to her, it is the most beautiful thing ever,

"I knew it was gonna be a girl," she teased him, although he never explicitly said he wanted a boy, I knew he did, the boys did too. They spoke for a short period of time before he had to hang up and start driving.

"I'll talk to you tonight okay?"

"Okay, love you, dad."

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