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"Congratulations you are 9 weeks pregnant Marilyn," the doctor said, as he handed me a picture with the small fetus on it, I smiled and left the hospital. Reality hit me, I can't tell Colson that I'm pregnant he already has one child and he sure doesn't need another one right now. I took the bus home and was greeted by Colson who was sitting on my steps, I quickly put my ultrasound pictures away.

"Where did you go? I've been waiting for you for like an hour now" he spoke as he stood up,

"I've been around" I spoke softly he nodded. "can you uhh- " he cut me off, giving me a hug, almost like he knew i needed. I hugged back and a single tear dripped down my cheek, my life is so fucked up.


"MARILYN JANE ROSE GET OUT" my mom yelled, I just came clean and told her I was pregnant, she was beyond mad, not only because I'm pregnant, but because it's Colson's. She's always hated him, claiming that he's no good east side dirt and I shouldn't waste my time with him.

"GET YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, IF YOUR'E OLD ENOUGH TO BE PREGNANT, THEN  YOUR'E OLD ENOUGH TO FIND SOMEWHERE TO LIVE" she yelled once more, I ran up the stairs slamming my door shut. I took out my duffle bag and started putting plain t-shirts, jeans, bras, anything I might have needed in it. I couldn't believe what was going on, she was kicking out her own child. I'm 16 for goodness sake. Tears ran down my face as I sat on my bed, I looked at my room and cried, I didn't want to leave my stuff behind, but I'd have to. I went over to my mirror and took the photo of Colson and me off it, we were in front of his high school the day he graduated, I had my arms around him, and was smiling so hard. A tear dropped onto the photo and I quickly wiped it away and shoved it into my converse backpack.

I walked down the street to see my whole crew, if I hadn't been crying for the last hour I might've cried once I saw them all there. Everyone except Colson was there and I was honestly grateful.

"Hey MJ," B yelled, I gave him a smile,

"Hi guys, I need to tell you guys something... I, uhh am moving.." I said looking down at my chucks, my voice was shaking and tears were on the brim of spilling out of my eyes, I heard a few of my friends gasp at the news.

"Why?" Dub asked in complete disbelief,

"because I have to, it's outta my control," I wiped my eyes before the tears could fall, "Can you guys give this to Kells?"

"Are you sure you can't stay to give it to him yourself?" Dub asked as he took the envelope, I shook my head no, And handed them the envelope. Everybody gave me a hug and just like that, I was gone.

*flashback over*

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock "2:00 p.m." it read. damn Kells and the rest of the crew get here at 2:50 so I got about 30 minutes or so.

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