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Waking up has never been my forte, especially after staying up all night, I hate it. I love dreaming, I love being away from this shit world, I enjoy it most when my anxiety and paranoia have kept me up for days and I can finally sleep for a shit load of hours. This morning was the by far one of  the better mornings in a good two years or so, for the first time in a while I didn't wake up groaning, or sweating from a nightmare. This morning I woke up with a smile on my face, well not exactly a smile, but a more pleasant expression this time around. I was laying on my best friend of 10 years chest, we may not have been on the best of terms because of all the dumb shit he's done to me, but he's still my best friend, I love him and It may not seem like it, but he is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and for that; I am forever grateful. I do want to murder him sometimes though.

Oh and he's pretty fun to cuddle with, you know after he fucks you senseless. Every time he's done with me I feel like I went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson, seriously Colson, what's with all the fucking biting.

I moved Colson's arm from around my waist before quietly getting off the bed, I tiptoed to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was a god damn mess. My hair was everywhere and my scalp was sore from all the pulling last night. I took a shower quickly, brushed my teeth and hair before getting dressed, and headed downstairs. I took a peak at the clock and realized it was 12:30 in the afternoon, as I began walking to the kitchen my doorbell rang once. I sighed, I wasn't expecting anyone at this time I walked back over to the door , I peaked through the hole in the door and seen a mailman. I opened the door about a quarter of the way open, the man beamed at me,

"Marilyn Rose?" He questioned, I looked down at the large package in his hand and nodded,

"That's me" I spoke quietly, I hadn't ordered anything, I'm very much confused.

"I've got two packages, could you sign here please?" He asked handing me the electronic signer thing, I signed my name and he handed me the smaller package and put the other one against the wall.

The first, smaller package was heavy as fuck, I thanked him and carried it over to the kitchen counter, reading the return address I smiled. It was from Jonathan, I got a knife and cut the tape, the first thing on top was a white paper

'To my favorite Rose'

It read, I took all the paper out and laughed at what I saw, it was what looked to be about a hundred fuzzy socks, figuring the box was too heavy just to be socks I pulled the various socks out, there was a cute mug that said "King of fucking everything", next to the mug was a cute lipstick. I opened it to further examine the color and to my surprise, there was a knife inside, I let out a laugh, at the very bottom was a little note attached to the lid,

'For your protection'

There was one more thing in a smaller box, it was a brand new converse back pack, it looked just like my old one that was going through the motions, I couldn't find a new one. I have the best friend in the world. I let out a quiet squeal at the copious amounts of socks, this winter 'bout to be lit.

I grabbed the thinner, larger box from the living room and dragged it to the kitchen, I hardly slid it on to the counter. I got my knife and slid it across all of the tape and opened it, my eyes widened and tears began to well up in my eyes, Jonathan got a collage made of a whole bunch of pictures of Colson and I, it was the cutest thing ever. On the back it said

'Congratulations here's a little housewarming gift now that you have a guest, I love you, Marilyn'

How dare he do this cute shit, I don't deserve it. I went over to my closet right off the kitchen and got a few nails and a hammer.

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