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Song(s) that inspired this Chapter:

MGK ft. M. Shadows - "Save Me"

Kid Ink ft. MGK & Elle Varner - "No Miracles"


I couldn't feel my face, I was in shock, I sighed as I walked in the house I was not in the mood for social interaction. I was greeted by the usual crew, Slim, Dub, Rook, and Dre walked from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Slim said putting out a roach in the ashtray as he made way to the food that was on the table in the kitchen. He washed his hands quickly before opening the bags. Although I was starving I was not in the mood for food, I was sick to my stomach. This new information was fucking me up in the head.

"We had a fight over some dumb shit. I just, fuck."

"What was it?" He asked as he pulled out the styrofoam take out plates,

"I'll tell you later." he nodded and took his food with him back to the living room. I walked up the steps avoiding any more questions. When I got to my room I heard sobbing and talking coming from the guest room. I opened the door slightly and saw her talking to herself in her mirror.

"I should have told him" she cried, at this sight my heart ached. I was mad at her, but when I saw the state she was in I couldn't help but feel remorse, I was selfish acting like that.
"Why did I have to lose my baby?" she mumbled, wiping her eyes once more, she looked up at the ceiling with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Marilyn, I'm sorry" I spoke quietly, before walking into her room and wrapping my arms around her shoulder, she wiped her tears on trembled in my arms.

"No, I'm sorry, it's not your fault it's mine, if I would have told you maybe there would've been a baby.. Maybe they would have been alive" She turned around still in my arms and sobbed into my chest. I rubbed her back and sighed,

"It's not your fault" I muttered into her hair.

"Colson.. Don't say something that's not true, it is, if I had been careful and hadn't left I wouldn't have fucked up my life so bad," she said pulling away from me. Anger replaced the sadness in her eyes,

"Marilyn, don't say that" I began,

"Colson, just stop, okay? Don't defend my actions" she pleaded,


"Marilyn Jane Rose, you did nothing wrong, I'm telling you this because I care about you, I can look at you and tell you're hurting"

"You only ever cared about the sexual acts I provide you. You don't give a fuck about me, you never have" I spoke truthfully, that's how I felt. I always knew I like Colson more than he liked me,
"You don't actually care about me nobody does and Please don't call me by my government." I seethed, I couldn't bring myself to even look at him at the moment.

"Stop that shit Marilyn," he paused looking me in my eyes "listen I give a fuck about you. You know I have problems showing my feelings but I'll always let you know I care about you," he spoke calmly.  I don't know how, but soon enough I was sobbing into his chest again, I sure do come with a bunch of emotional baggage, after a short time I felt my eyes go heavy and shut.


I laid Marilyn down on her bed and draped her fluffy white blanket over her nestled body, before walking down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of marijuana's and I inhaled deeply the smell was intoxicating and it was exactly what I needed.

I lit a blunt that was on the table ignoring everyone's stares.

"How is MJ feeling?" Slim asked quietly, I took a drag of my blunt and shook my head,

"She's okay, she's asleep right now," I said taking a bigger drag than I laid back before and blowing out an almost perfect ring of smoke

"So you put that ass to sleep" Dub spoke and everyone laughed, I just shook my head.

One hour later

I woke up late at night, with the biggest headache I've ever experienced. The sound of moaning and groaning coming from Colson's room didn't help either. I ignored it and rolled my eyes I couldn't stand Colson. You lay your heart out for someone, and the next thing you know they're fucking someone against the wall on the opposite of yours, what a man. I took a quick shower and then put lotion on before changing into comfortable clothes. I put on a pair of red pajama shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt, with my red converse socks and finally my black & white fuzzy slippers. I checked my eyes to see if they were still red and puffy from crying so much, luckily they were not. 

When I went downstairs to get something to eat I realized everyone was still there watching a basketball game. I put on a fake smile and tried my best to look okay. I finally got to introduce myself to Rook, and to my surprise, Dre was there too, my face broke out into a smile, as did his.

30 minutes later

We are all high, laughing our asses of listening to some of Kells songs asking each other corny ass questions.

"If you could fuck any person on this earth who would you pick?" I spoke, looking at Rook as I ate a chip,

"Beyoncé" Rook said with a proud face I laughed, who wouldn't fuck Beyonce? "What about you MJ?" I thought for a second

"CM Punk" everyone gave me a weird face, I loved his tattoo, and was I in love with him when I was younger. "What? He's hot as shit. Slim your turn," I defended,

"JLo" he spoke simply, as though it was the most obvious answer and we were all wrong,

"You got that," I chuckled and everyone laughed before answering. After a few minutes of playing some green-haired girl who was wiping the corner off her mouth strolled down the stairs out the door, we ignored her and continued to ask questions

"What's your favorite tattoo you have ?" Dre asked as he twisted the cap of his sprite on. Colson came down the stairs and casually sat next to me, I resisted a strong roll of my eyes.

"You okay?" He asked, I shook my head.

"Yeah, I'm good.. are you okay?" He nodded and placed a hand innocently on my thigh.

For the rest of the night we just chilled, we were like a big family, no matter how long I was gone there was no love lost between us. There was still animosity between Colson and me, but I shrugged it off for later, that's all I could do.

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