bonus ;)

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


I groan when I see Athena drawing on some of my paperworks in my office. "Baby, you can't be in here." I pick her up from under the armpits, and she looks up at me with her blue eyes.

"It says I love you." She nods to herself in approval, looking down at the papers again.

"I see that, but it's for work.." I try to convince her, but she's stubborn.

Just like her Mother.

"It's purple." She interrupts my train of thoughts, and I shift her in my arms so she's sitting on my hip.

"I see that, but-" She interrupts me.

"I love you in purple." She deadpans, clearly not listening to me.

I groan, and she wiggles out of my hold. I place her back on my office chair, and she points at the paper again.

"And here's a butterfly." She's adamant with her drawing, and I rub my forehead. I try to think of a way to kick her out without being rude.. I mean she is my child after all.

"Why don't you go to Mama?" I ask, trying to get rid of her without saying it.

"Why would I do that, when I can spend time with my favourite Dada?" She looks back up at me, her hands planted on the desk.

This kid is only 3, and never shuts up. She reminded me of Morana when she was 3, a little chatterbox that nobody could shut up. I'm still looking for an off button, I haven't found out yet, I guess.

"I'm your only Dad, baby." I tighten one of her ponytails.

"How do you know that?" She asks, before walking herself out.

Is this child for real?

I follow her out of here, and smile when I see Davina laying on the floor in the living room.

Totally not pregnant again.

She notices as I walk into the room again, and groans. I lay beside her, and lean on my forearms. I put one of my hands on her protruding belly, and lean in to give it a little kiss.

"Don't come near me." She suddenly says, and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I go back to my previous position, but lean in again to give her a simple peck on the lips. Of course she abides, but it doesn't stop her from complaining.

"Keeps getting me.. fucking pregnant.." She mumbles to herself, and I stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, keep fucking laughing. Don't make me knock the shit out of you, Lorenzo." She glares at me, and I quickly shut up.

"Where are the brats?" She sighs, running a hand through her hair.

Morana had just turned 7, Xerxes had recently turned 4, Athena's 3.

Though we had initially  planned to stop after Athena, but we accidentally got pregnant again with our fourth child.

After we found out, Davina wouldn't even go near me.

Since Davina's been the one giving birth and shit, I had decided to get a vasectomy to save her all the pain. I'm definitely getting one after baby number four, Davina will make sure of it.

Just as she asks, Xerxes walks in with a strand of hair.

"Xerxes, who's hair is that?" Davina grunts as she tries to get up, to which I obviously help her with.

He casually drops it off into Davina's hand, and shrugs with a sly smile.

"Your devil cut my hair off!" Killian, Davina's hacker, exclaims walking into the room. Behind him follows his daughter, Laura, who was now 12. She giggled at the scene unfolding in front of her, and holds onto Killian's hand.

"Ah, shit." I whisper under my breath, rubbing my forehead.

Morana casually walks into the room, and just looks at all of us. She doesn't move from her spot, but just has a blank look on her. But, she smiles at Laura and waves. They were becoming to be best friends, but of course Morana couldn't do that to Isana.

"You can't cut peoples hair, Xerxes." Davina explains, running a hand through this curly hair. He shrugs, and snatches the hair from Davina. He walks over to Killian, and just hands it to him.

"Here you go, uncle K." Xerxes claps, and walks out into the hallway, his little feet pattering away.

"Okay," Davina clears her throat, "Why don't we go start on dinner." She looks up at me, and I nod. I help her up, putting a hand on her lower back as we walk to the kitchen. Words couldn't express how much I loved her, she was my whole world and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life cherishing her.


"You can't have chicken nuggets for dinner, baby." I try to convince Athena as she throws her tantrum. Every night, Athena would try to convince Dav and I into giving her chicken nuggets instead of an actual meal. Some days we fell for it, but it's not healthy.

She looks up at me with her big eyes, jutting her bottom lip. She sniffles, and whispers a heart breaking 'please.' Dear lord. I sigh, and look over at Davina. She glares at me, and I look right back at Athena. "I know you want chicken nuggets love, but you need to eat your broccoli. Do you want me to help you eat it?" I tried my best to offer different techniques to get my kids to eat their vegetables. Dav and I sometimes even hid it in their foods so they wouldn't know.

"If you want to be a strong girl like your mama, you need to eat your vegetables." I remind her, and she gives me a little nod before grabbing her fork and eating her broccolis. I give her a little kiss on the forehead and sit back down. "How was school?" I ask my other two children.

"I saw Morana kissing a boy." Xerxes tells me, and my eyes widen. I look over at Morana, only to see her hiding her face in her arm. Davina runs a hand through Morana's hair, and laughs. "Who did you kiss?"

"No one, Xerxes is lying." She picks her head up a little bit so you can only see her eyes. "I'm going to need his full name, address, parents name." Davina laughs, and hits me in the shoulder.

I never thought I'd be this happy, but I didn't regret it one bit.


ok i'm done now, love yall

i changed the last part because.. yea.

also, tf this book at 250k reads, i didn't even think that was possible-





Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
His Act of Possession✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang