chapter thirty-five

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Growing up, Rafael, Elvira and I would play in the woods behind our house. One day, we found this old little shack in the middle of the woods. Us being the little kids we were, we decided to explore it. We were stupid enough to split up, and not stay together.

Our first mistake.

The little cabin house held a very scary and haunted presence, and we saw many things we shouldn't have seen.

"Guys, we shouldn't be here." Rafael whispers, as he stumbles on a branch.

"Stop being a big baby." I retort, as I look for it with a flashlight.

Yup, we're looking for it again.

I was 10 when we last came because somebody told Dad about it, and then we were banned from coming here.

"Did you push Anthea out or get a c-section?" Rafael randomly asks, holding onto my arm for dear life.

"Pushed out, damn she was a big baby." She shakes her head, practically shaking away to memories.

"When I have a kid," I add one, "I an not gonna push my baby out, a c-section for me, baby." I quip, glaring at Rafael when he falls again, bringing me down with him.

"When I get pregnant-" Rafael tries to add one, but then pauses, "Shit, I can't get pregnant. Ugh, you guys always leave me out."

"I'm going to adopt a little kid, and make it so happy, it'll be the happiest kid in the world." He smiles to himself, slowly getting up.

"Did you just refer to your future child as 'it'?" Elvira retorts, continuing the search for the specific haunted house.

"Shit, maybe I shouldn't be a Dad." He sighs dramatically.

He then proceeds to flop on the ground, which is covered with sticks and moss might I add, and just sits there looking pitiful as ever.

"I'm going to kick you in the head." I glare at him, getting into a stance.

"Okay, okay, why can't I wallow myself in pity for at least one second." He mutters, picking himself up and shaking all the small sticks and bugs off him.

"Over here!" We both hear Elvira's voice call out from the distance.

We rush to where we hear her, and shutter at the sight. The house looked a lot more broken and old than I remember. It looked like it would break within the tiniest of breeze.

His Act of Possession✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang