Canceling the wedding??

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Y/n pov
After seeing his sons I almost chocked on air. They are BTS.
Mr. Kim: Guys they are my sons. Boys introduce yourselves.
?? :Hello my name is Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin and I'm the eldest. (He said with a slight smile... a fake one)
?? :Hello my name is Kim Yoongi, you can call me Yoongi or Suga, I'm second eldest. (Cold tone)
?? : Hello my name is Kim Hoseok, you can call me J-hope, I'm 3rd eldest and twin of Namjoon (straight face)
?? : Hello my name is Kim Namjoon, you can call me RM, I'm 4th eldest and twin of Hoseok. (Slight smile)
?? : Hello my name is Kim Jimin, you can call me Jimin, I'm 3rd Maknae and twin of V. (Cold tone and glaring)
?? : Hello my name is Kim Taehyung, you can call me V, I'm 2nd maknae and twin of Jimin. (Cold tone and glaring)
?? : Hello my name is Kim Jungkook, you can call me Jk, I'm the youngest. (Smiling)
Mom:Well boys we know each other from business so I guess this introduction was for Y/n and it's nice to meet u guys.
BTS: It's nice to meet you too Ms. Kang
Mom:Meet my daughter, introduce yourself Y/n.
Y/n: Hello guys, nice to meet u all, myself Kang Y/n, all me y/n.
The boys just nodded, earning a glare from Mr. Kim. To be honest I didn't mind it cause it was clearly visible on their faces that they were forced to be here just like me.
Seeing the awkward atmosphere Mr. Kim started talking.
Mr. Kim: Well y/n I have heard a lot about you from your mom.
Y/n: Well I wasn't expecting that.
Mr. Kim: Yeah. BTW y/n I saw your previous year report card and I was shocked, it looked like u can do anything. You are a brilliant student.
Y/n:Ahem....I don't know what to say, but thanks. By the way can I ask why did u see my report card?
Mr. Kim: I came to know that my girlfriend's daughter is going to my school so I decided to take a look at your Portfolio.
Mr Kim:You guys talk amongst yourselves me and Yeong-Ja will go and check on dinner.
With that they left and we were busy with our own things boys were talking amongst each other while I was scrolling through my Instagram. After sometime we heard Mom's voice from the kitchen.
Mom: Guys dinner is ready, come to dining hall.
I didn't knew where dining hall is so I decided to follow the boys and then we reached the dining hall.

In the dining hall
Mom: guys come and sit.
With that we went to dining table and as the seat near mom was already occupied by J-hope I sat between Jin and Jungkook.
We all were eating our dinner peacefully except mom and dad who were talking.
Suddenly Mr. Kim asked me a question
Mr. Kim: Y/n my sons study in the same school as yours. Do u know them?
Y/n mind: What shall I say now, that I heard that your sons are the biggest bullies in the school.
I could see that they are scared. Are they scared of their dad?
Mom: Y/n say something.
Y/n: Ahem.. Not actually. I just heard that they are really famous for their looks and money and I saw the trailer today at school. But I haven't interacted with anyone else except jungkook.
Mr. Kim:aah...I see. They were out of town cause of work that's why they were not coming to school. But now they will be regular so I hope u guys interact more.
Yn mind: I hope that never happens.
Y/n: (sarcastic that just mom heard) I look forward to it.
After that there was silence and everyone ate their dinner peacefully. After we finished the dinner Mr. Kim fake coughed to gain our attention and hold mom's hand and said
Mr. Kim: We have an announcement to make.
Mom: We are getting married next month.
Y/n: WHAT!!
Anger and shock was clearly visible on my face while BTS's face showed....... disappointment?
Y/n:(to BTS) Your face shows disappointment instead of shock. That means you already knew about this stupid marriage thing??
Jimin:(now angry) We just knew that he is going to get married but didn't knew when?
Y/n: Huh... I didn't even had an idea about it. If you're getting married then u must be dating since a long time. Since when are u dating?
Mr. Kim: 1 year 10 months
Y/n:(angrily) Thats just 2 months after u gave dad divorce and brought me here forcefully. I thought even when we agrue a lot, we don't talk much to each other, we are not like normal mom and daughter but at least we don't hide things from each other.
Mom:(guilty tone) I'm sorry.
Y/n: What sorry. Now I don't even know what else are you hiding from me. I'm sorry Mr. Kim for ruining the mood but I'm going home now before I say something I really regret. Please rest of u enjoy I want to go alone. (Almost about to burst with anger)

With that I ran out of the mansion while I heard Mr. Kim and Mom's voice calling me but I don't care. I went To the bus stand I saw while coming to the mansion and took a bus home. After reaching home I entered the code and went inside. I rushed inside my room and slept just after removing my makeup. I didn't even changed my clothes cause I myself don't know what will i do if I didn't sleep right now.

***Time Skip***
Next Day
Y/n pov
I woke up even before the alarm could ring because of the headache I was having cause of all the shouting I yesterday. I went to the washroom and did my morning routine and got ready for school.

I took my bag and went to do my breakfast. To my disappointment mom was also there. As soon as she saw me and she said.
Mom: Y/n I want to talk to u.
I knew that I can't avoid her forever so I decided to hear what she has to say cause I had ample of time before the school starts.
Y/n: Go ahead I'm listening
I said without any emotions while eating my food.
Mom: I'm sorry for hiding about this dating thing from u.
Y/n: Don't say sorry when u don't mean it.
(I said coldly cause I can see that she isn't feeling sorry)
Mom: I know why u are angry Y/n.( temper slightly rising)
Y/n: (starting to get angry) Then cancel the marriage.
Mom:(slightly angry) I can't. I want to live with him. I love him.
Y/n:(burning with anger and shouting) I also love my dad and brother but u separated me from them and brought me here because of your pathetic ego without thinking about me, without thinking how lonely I would be here. Woman u call yourself my mom u don't even care about me.
Mom:(shouting with anger) I told u to forget about them.
Y/n: (tears threatening to fall and fuming with anger) U tell me to forget them but I can't when they are the only family I love. Unlike your pathetic self.

After that before I could say anything I felt my right cheek burning. My so called mom slapped me. I was so shocked this is the first time she did that. No matter how much we argue she never does that.

Y/n: Now u are even slapping me. Wow.

Saying that I ran out the house to catch the bus to school without looking back.

*Time Skip*
At school
Y/n pov
As soon as I reached the school I ran to the rooftop cause I know if I stayed here I will release my anger on the first person I face.

At rooftop
It's been ten minutes since I have come to the rooftop. I am sitting here with my back touching the railing and listening to music, while the wind is playing with my hair. It really relaxing and calming. I can feel my anger fading away. After sometime I felt presence of someone and opened my eyes to see all of my soon-to-be stepbrothers.

BTS pov
We were searching for y/n as we wanted to talk to her about cancelling the wedding but couldn't find her anywhere. Then we saw her friends who were sitting with her in the cafeteria and asked them. They told us that they saw her going to rooftop and she looked really angry. So we came to the rooftop and saw her sitting and listening to music. She felt our presence and opened her eyes.
Jungkook: Hey lil sis.
Y/n: WTH I'm not you lil sis and moreover we are of the same age jungkook.
Whenever someone looks at us they are scared of us but looks like she isn't neither she likes to cling to us like others.
Jimin: Looks like u are as against this marriage as we are.
Taehyung: Good for u.
Y/n: Why?
This girl surely have some guts asking questions to Taehyung.
J-hope: Cause we also don't want this marriage thing and are here to ask u to convince your mom to cancel it.
Y/n: Why don't u ask your dad to cancel it?
RM: We asked him but he isn't listening to us.
Y/n : Why are u against this marriage?
Vmin: Cause we don't want to have a girl like u as a sister.
Y/n: Then the feelings are mutual. Cause trust me dude even I don't want to have u guys as my brothers.
When she said that something in our heart clenched but we decided to shrug it off.
Yoongi: We don't know if this marriage is because of love or not. It can be obsession or it can just be because it benefits both the companies.
Y/n: I couldn't care less about that. And I already tried to cancel this marriage which led to an argument because of which I got a slap on my face.
Then our eyes went to her cheek and there was really light fingerprint mark. Seeing that our blood started boiling slightly but again we decided to shrug it off
Y/n: We argue a lot but she has never slapped me before. I think that we can't stop this marriage now. So let's accept it even if we don't want to and let's treat each other as humans after this marriage.
Jin: I agree with Y/n.I don't think we can stop it now.
BTS:(except Jin and RM) :Hyung
RM: I also agree.
Y/n: Nice I think u both are the smartest amongst the brothers.
RM: Of course I have an IQ of 148.
Y/n: Really mine is 153.
This made all of us laugh. This is the first time we have seen someone smarter than Namjoon. While he just furrowed his eyebrows.
Y/n: If you guys are done I have to go to my class.
Jungkook: Wait I'm also coming, let's go together we have same class.
Y/n: Ok.
With that both of them left and we also went after them.

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