Lunch Together

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Next day At school
During luch break Y/n was sitting alone at the cafeteria as none of her friends were present at the school that day. Her brothers saw this and came to sit with her.
RM: Yah! Why are u sitting alone?
Y/n: None of my friends are present today, they are cousins so they went to some family trip together. And why are u sitting with me?
J-hope: Cause u are our lil sis.
Y/n: I'm not lil. I'm same age as Jungkook.
Jin: Who said we are talking about your age?
Jungkook: Yep! Have u looked at your height?
Y/n: Hey! I take offence to that I'm 165.4cm tall.
VMin: Huh! As if.
Y/n: You-
RM: Guys stop teasing her.
Y/n: Thanks brother.
R/m: Now Y/n I heard from a little birdie that u are are interested in Science and Maths.
Y/n: By little birdie u mean Jungkook.
RM: No if I meant Jungkook I would have said overgrown mutt (Jk: hey!!!) but no I meant Lisa, I heard her talking to Jennie a few days ago. So are u?
Y/n: Yes I am....
Everyone expect RM and Y/n: Not another one.....
Y/n(ignoring them) : Why are u asking?
RM: There's this competition that is held every year where high school students participate, where 2 duos from each school are sent so if you're interested u can participate.
Y/n: Thanks, I'll make sure to check it out.
RM: Ask your homeroom teacher he will brief u on it.
Y/n: Sure.
Suga: Now if u guys are done can we eat our lunch.
Y/n and Tae: Yes, please.
Y/n and Tae: No not u again.
Y/n and Tae: Stop copying me.
Y/n and Tae: Who said I'm copying u?
Y/n and Tae ( Growing frustrated): UGH!!!  STOP IT.
While both of them are growing frustrated the rest are shaking their heads and smiling in amusement at their antics.

Hey guys, look who has decided to return. I'm sorry for such a small chapter but as I already told u I have my exams. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Until then stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
See ya later.

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