A fucking mistake

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"Now, Yohan I think we've got some unfinished business." Y/n said.

Yohan sighed remembering what she was talking about. He was overconfident and he lost the bet they had going on.

"What unfinished business?" Jimin asked confused.

Minjun rolled his eyes. "Just a stupid bet they had. About some show with incest and dragons. The winner would buy the loser ice cream for a whole year. "

"It wasn't a stupid bet!" Y/n and Yohan exclaimed together, offended looks clearly visible on their faces.

"And it isn't just any show, it's game of thrones." Yohan added as the rest looked at the three amused.

Minjun let out a snort and Y/n gave him a look. "You just don't like it cause Nari finds Jon Snow more handsome than you, Mr. you have nice ears." She said and received a deadly look from her brother as their friends laughed.

"You little shit." He snapped at her as she gave him a mocking smile. When she didn't appear intimidated, she looked at others who just shrugged at him. He huffed and looked at Yohan. " You want me to say something?" He asked him.

Yohan's smile disappeared and he gave him a look. "No."

"Good. Than I suppose you're at my side." He nodded.

"Of course. Y/n, Jun is more handsome than Jon Snow." Yohan said and went away with Minjun, arms around each other's shoulders.

"What was that?" Y/n asked confused.

"I don't know." Eunwoo said frustrated. "They've been acting like that for quite some time now."

Y/n made a face and shared a look with her best friend. 'We need to find out what they've been up to." It said.

BTS who were looking at their dynamics like a captivated audience shook their head.

"We should go home now." RM said and the rest of boys nodded.

"Are you coming with us right now or will you come later?" J-hope asked Y/n.

"I'll come later." Y/n told them. "You go ahead."

They bid her goodbye and headed back home.

"I should go as well." Eunwoo said. "Mom must be waiting."

Y/n nodded at him. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."


Y/n went to search for her brother and Yohan as the rest went away. As she went to look in the kitchen for them, she couldn't find her brother but Yohan was there. He gave her a smile as he saw her coming towards him.

"I was just coming to find you." He said raising the two ice cream cups in his hand. "A bets a bet, I guess."

Y/n gave him a smirk as she took a cup from his hand. "I told you not to bet against me, I always win." She said leaning at the kitchen counter.

Yohan rolled his eyes fondly. "Arrogance isn't a good trait."

"I know, but I am not arrogant I'm confident." She countered.

Yohan elbowed her in response, making her smudge ice cream on her clothes. "Fuck." Y/n cursed.

"I'm so sorry." Yohan said as he brought a wet cloth to remove the ice cream. He wiped the ice cream away from her clothes.

"It's alright." She dismissed and looked up at his face, taking her eyes away from the blotchy spot on her clothes. They were so close that she could feel his breath on her face. She looked at his lips and then at his eyes and saw him doing the same and got a flutter in her stomach. Just as she was about to say something, Yohan pressed his lips on hers making her eyes go wide. After letting them linger for a few moments he pulled away and looked at her nervously.

Y/n blinked a few times to regain her wits back and without thinking kissed him back. She placed a hand on his shoulder and another on his cheek making his hand go at her lower back and her head. He pulled her up and made her sit on the counter as he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly, a shout pulled them away. She quickly pulled apart and looked at who was standing there. It was just Eunwoo.

"What the fuck!!" He exclaimed loudly. "I just went away two minutes ago and you have tongues down each other's throat."

"Keep your voice down." Yohan snapped at him, giving him a warning glare. The last thing he wanted was for Minjun to come here right now. He would beat the shit out of him for kissing his sister, no matter how good friends they were or for how long he has known that he liked Y/n.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went home." Y/n asked Eunwoo.

"I forgot the keys, so I came back for them and wanted to ask you if you've seen it." He said and then took in their looks properly for the first time. Rumpled clothes and hair and smirked. "Though I reckon that you'd have rather me gone home." He said pointing towards the door.

"No need." Y/n said quickly before Yohan had the chance to open his mouth. "It was a mistake made in the heat of the moment. It won't happen again and I was going home anyway. Tell Minjun for me."

Before the boys had any chance to say something she quickly walked out of the kitchen and leaned against the wall, placing a hand on her chest trying to calm her racing heart. She knew it was cowardly what she did in there but she'd rather not have her heart broken. Yohan was a playboy, she knew that, everyone knew that. If she walked on that path with him she'd start to really like him like that and he would not return the feelings, it has always been like that with him. And she'd rather not end up like the other girls whose heart he'd broken.

Mistake. That's what she'd called their kiss. A fucking mistake. It felt like someone had gutted him, Yohan thought. He looked at Eunwoo who was looking at him with sympathy. He knew for how long he had liked Y/n.

"Don't worry mate." Eunwoo said as he patted him. "If someone can get her to like him it's you."

"She called the kiss a mistake in front of you." Yohan said in disbelief at his friend's confidence.

"I didn't take you for someone who accepts defeat so easily." Eunwoo cocked his brow at him.

Yohan crossed his arms. "Who said anything about accepting defeat?" He asked. "I've liked her for almost four years, since we've been fourteen, I'm not going to give up after one rejection." He said. Yes, it felt bad that she rejected him but he was no quitter. He had always known that she was it for him and he will never give up on her, cause the possibility of having her was better than the assurance of having someone else.

Eunwoo gave him a knowing look at that and before he could say something he shook his head. "Don't worry. I won't tell Minjun anything. We've got ourselves a lot of work ahead of us, and you won't be useful to us with your bones broken and too in pain for your mind to function properly."

And they kissed!!!!!

Hey, everyone!!
How are you? I hope well. So, here's another chapter. I know it's a small one but that's all I could do with how busy I am these days. And it's going to be like that some time.

So, I need you to tell me which one is going to be better a bigger chapter once in a while or a few small ones regularly.

See you soon.
Till then,
Stay safe!! Stay healthy!!

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