Playing House

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Jungkook and Y/n came back after cleaning their hands, not a word spoken between them. As Y/n came back, she saw her brothers exchanging nervous glances between themselves and then looking at her and Jungkook, while trying to compose themselves.

Y/n squinted her eyes at them, clearly not understanding, what was it that they were so nervous to tell her. She cleared her throut to make them focus their attention on her.

"Are we just going to stand here till morning, or you guys will tell me of what is going on here? How did you guys get hurt?"

Suga, who is the most composed one out of all replied, " It's nothing we just got into an argument with some boys after the meeting and got hurt."

Y/n had to give it to him. He was an excellent lier and normally no one would be able to call it out. But she wasn't just some one. Having been trained in martial arts gives you ability to watch even the smallest movements of someone, the smallest of things they do when they lie or are nervous. For him it was a twitch in his eyes and touching his nose with his hand.

Y/n rolled her eyes, " Yeah cause we get a seven inch stab wound in an argument." She said sarcastically and then let out an annoyed breath.

"You guys really do underestimate me. I am good at telling when people lie, so there is no use of doing so. So, either you guys tell me the truth or I'll call mom and  Mr. Kim to get the answers, after all they are the heads of the company."

Jin let out an irritated breath and snapped, " Just because we played house with you doesn't mean we have to answer each and every question you have. Stop interfering in our matters and mind your own business."

Everyone in the Hall had a shocked expression on their faces.

"HYUNG!!" All the boys exclaimed at Jin, who's eyes widened at the moment he realised what had he said. He looked at the expression on Y/n's face that went from shocked to saddened and broken which made himself heartbroken and guilty. But he noticed that she covered it up with a blank mask.

He tried to apologize, "Y/n-ah -"

"No, it's alright. You don't have to explain yourself. Just because you are nice to me doesn't mean I'm family. You won't have to play house with me anymore, I won't bother you guys any longer." Y/n said with such a cold voice that it could make the lava boiling in a volcano freeze, shocking them.

Then she turned around to go to her room. Taehyung who was nearest to her tried to stop her by grabbing her hand but she turned around to give him a glare that made their glares look like puppy eyes and some normal person would have shitted his pants at it.

Taehyung for the first time in his life gulped at being glared by a girl half his size and left her hand.

It's true what they say,

'That it's the nicest and the kindest of people that are the scariest when they stop being nice.'

As soon as Y/n left, all the boys turned around to face Jin with an accusatory look.

"Did you really have to say that? You really need to control your tongue, Hyung. It's got to get you in trouble." RM said to Jin, looking as if he's about to loose his composure.

"Yeah, she's just been nice to us, ever since the marriage and she's our family, we accepted her as our sister, we didn't play house with her." Jungkook snapped at his eldest brother, tired of his usual lack of control on his tongue.

"Did you really have to ruin that?" Jimin said through gritted teeth, angry at being in pain and annoyed at his brother's lack of tact.

Others didn't say anything but it was clear that they were disappointed in their brother as well, specially 'cause they knew he didn't mean it.

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