I'll Call u Appa.

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Y/n pov
After the wedding me and mom directly came to Kim mansion as our things are already transferred here.
Mr. Kim: Come on guys let's go inside.
Mom: Yes please we are all tired, specially the kids.
And by kids mom here meant Yoongi who looked like he will sleep here only if we don't go inside.
Then we went inside.

We all jumped on sofa and sat spreading our arms and legs as if we have come after working in a factory.
Y/n: Can I please go to my room I'm really tired.
Yoongi: Yah Me too.
Mr. Kim: Of course u guys go to your room. Jin show Y/n her room.
Y/n: It's ok Mr. Kim he must be tired. I'll ask a maid to show me my room.
Mr. Kim: No he will show you your room .
Jin: It's ok Y/n. Come I'll show you your room.
With that everyone went to their respective room and Jin went with me to show mine. Then we reached a room.

Jin: Here it's your room. Then one next to yours is of Taehyung, in the front it's Jungkook and infront of Taehyung it's jimin's room. Our rooms are in the opposite hallway.
Y/n: Noted
Jin: If u want anything ask us Or one of the maids and ur stuff is already inside.
Y/n: Ok and thanks.
With that I went inside my room and Jin went to his.

Y/n: Nice room.
I went to washroom, took a shower and wore my pjs. I went and laid on my bed. I was about to take a nap just then I received a message from Jennie Unnie.

*on the chat*
Jennie: Hey Y/n
Y/n: Hii Unnie
Jennie: U came back home?
Y/n: Yeah I just came few mins ago.
Jennie: I'm sorry we weren't able to come.
Y/n: It's ok unnie I understand. Even if u would have come u would have just seen my bad mood.
Jennie: Don't worry Yn-ah everything will be alright.
Y/n: Yeah I hope so. But I don't know what would happen to me if they did something that got onto their nerves.
Jennie: They won't do anything. Even if u guys don't like it u are a family now.
Y/n: Yeah. BTW there was 1 nice thing that happened today.
Jennie: What u got a boyfriend?
Jennie: Tell me did you get one.
Jennie: y/n.
Y/n: Stop it unnie. Let me speak.
Jennie: Sorry Sorry.
Y/n: I met someone whom I really missed in these two years.
Jennie: Who?
Y/n: Mark Oppa. He is like my elder brother. He was responsible for taking care of me in US.
Jennie: U must me really happy to meet him.
Y/n: Yeah. Unnie can we talk later I'm tired I want to sleep.
Jennie: Ok bye
Y/n: Bye.

After chatting with unnie I went to sleep.
*Time Skip*
After two hours
I was sleep peacefully when I heard someone shouting my name.
Jk: Y/N
Jk: Y/NN
Y/n: Aahh.... Wth jungkook why are u shouting?
Jk: Seriously girl u are worse than Yoongi hyung. I am trying to wake u up since past 15 mins.
Y/n: And why are u trying to wake me up?..... Wait a minute how did you came to my room.
Jk: Seriously through the door.
Y/n: How can u enter a girls room without her permission.
Jk: By walking.
Y/n: Ha Ha Ha very funny. ( sarcastic)
Jk: Yeah I know. Come on everyone is waiting for you for dinner.
Y/n: U go I'll come after washing my face.
Jk: No I'll stay here otherwise u will sleep again.
Y/n: Your choice.
I came after washing my face then we both went to dining room.

At the dining table
Taehyung: What took u so long?
Jk: It took me 15 mins to wake her up. This girl is bigger sleepy head than yoongi hyung.
Y/n: What's wrong with being sleepy head.
Yoongi: Nothing.
Jk: By the way did I tell u that u sleep like a puppy all curled up.
Y/n: I'm not a puppy u bunny.
Jk: I'm not a bunny.
Y/n: Yes u are.
Mr. Kim: Stop it now u guys. Let's eat dinner.
Y/n and Jk: Sorry Mr. Kim/ Dad
Mr. Kim: Y/n now me and your mom are married try to call me dad. Even boys started to call your mom as mom.
Y/n: ........
Mr. Kim:(slightly disappointed) It's ok dear. Take your time.
Y/n: (guilty) I'm sorry.
Mr. Kim: It's okay. It's just that I have seven sons and I always wanted a daughter, so I got a little excited.
Y/n: I understand. But dad is just for my dad, when I get comfortable I'll try to call u Appa.
Mr. Kim:( happy ) Hope that day comes soon.
Mom:(to Mr. Kim): She is getting along with everyone specially u better than I thought.
Mr. Kim:(to mom) Really?
Mom:(to Mr. Kim) Yeah she doesn't say more than two words to people she doesn't care about.
Mr. Kim: ( to mom) Then should I cancel the meeting and stay here to bond with her.
Mom:(to Mr. Kim) : What!!?
Mr. Kim:( to Mom) (Scared) Don't worry I'm just joking.
Y/n: If u guys are done with your talk can we eat our dinner.
BTS: Yes please.
Mom: Ok let's eat.
*Time Skip*
After dinner
Mr. Kim: Guys our flight for meeting is tomorrow at 5am. We are telling you now so that u don't have to wake up early in the morning.
Y/n and BTS: Ok
Mr. Kim: Boys take care of the the company and your sister.
BTS( except JK) : She is not our sister.
Yoongi: She is not a kid so that we need to take care of her.
Mr. Kim: BOYS! I'm sorry for their behavior Y/n.
Y/n: Don't be Mr. Kim. I feel the same way. Just because u both are married doesn't mean that we except each other as brother and sister.
Y/n: I'm done and going to sleep.
BTS:Us too
Mr. Kim: Stop right here everyone.
He said so calmly that we were scared of the calmness.
Mr. Kim: Boys take care of Y/n and Jin as u are the eldest u are responsible for everything. Got it?
Jin: Yes dad.
Mr. Kim: Okay and y/n listen to them.
Y/n: Okay Mr. Kim.

With that everyone went to their rooms and next morning mom and dad left for their flight.

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