Don't Hesitate

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Hey everyone!! How you doing? I hope you're all doing ok. Unlike me who got her leg injured and is confined to bed rest for over a week.

So, here's the result of the poll, I conducted and here's the winners,

Jennie for Y/n.

And Park Hyung Sik for Yo-han

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And Park Hyung Sik for Yo-han

Thanks to everyone to gave their votes and sorry to those who wanted others to be the winners

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Thanks to everyone to gave their votes and sorry to those who wanted others to be the winners.

Now enjoy the chapter. And I'll see you sooner than you think as writing helps me divert the attention from pain.

Stay safe!! Stay happy!!



That was the only word that came out of my mouth as I saw him. I can't believe that he's here. What's with my friends showing here unannounced?! I mean I was just talking about him barely an hour ago.


"So it really has been that long that you can't even remember how I look like? Or is it my name you don't remember? Cause I'm pretty sure no one can forget such an art?" Yohan said with a cheeky smile.

Y/n let out a laugh and went to hug him and got the life squeezed out of her.

"I can't breathe, you dick." She said patting his hand to leave her.

"Sorry." He said, as he looked at her.

Suddenly, they heard a cough behind them and realised they were not the only one's here. They turned towards the other boys who were watching them with a weird expression on their faces, which most certainly looked like anger.

"What are you doing here, Y/n? " J-hope asked, his jaw clenched.

"I was cycling with Eunwoo and got thirsty, so I went to buy water where
I bumped into him and my bracelet got stuck in his jacket. It is a really important bracelet so I went after him to take it." She said taking out the bracelet that was stuck in Yohan's jacket's elbow button. "Oh, and he's Yohan, by the way. We're friends from USA." Y/n rambled and turned to look at her friend, who was trying to hold his laugh at her rant. She glared at him and turned her attention back towards her brothers, who looked more angry than she's ever seen them.

But before anyone could say anything, a lot of noises started coming from outside. Suddenly, Yohan pulled Y/n towards him and both fell down, while a bullet flew exactly where Y/n was standing a second ago. And soon a trail of bullets started coming out of everywhere forcing all of them to take cover. Yohan pulled Y/n with him behind what looked like a tank.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm alright." Then suddenly he gave his gun and a knife that was lying there, along with a bullet-proof jacket to her, making Y/n look at him with a shocked expression. " You'll need it."

"I can't-" She started.

"Yes, you can. You've trained for this your entire life." He said his expression, more serious than she's ever seen.

"I know. It's just my brothers-"

"Know about your family. They'll understand, we'll all have a talk and explain everything to each other." He said.

"Okay" She said and took the weapons out and the vest of his hands nervously and wore it.

"Don't hesitate. Killing is not easy, specially if it's your first time. But know that it's for your survival." He told her sternly, making her nod. As the bullets kept on firing from the outside, none of them took a single shot, not wanting to waste the bullets.

Suddenly, the firing ceased and about thirteen people in black bullet-proof vest and helmets came in, holding rifles in their hands.

"Shit." Someone cussed and Y/n was sure in was Jin.

Yohan faced Y/n and smirked," Here's your first fight. Try not to have too much fun." He japed.

Y/n took a deep breath, not finding anything to retort with because of the nervousness. Out of nowhere, Jimin came out and knocked out the rifle out of the hands of one of the man and the fight began.

Y/n creept behind the man closest to her and hit him hard in the head with her gun, but it didn't affect him much because of the helmet he was wearing, but as he turned around to shoot her Y/n was faster and twisted the gun out of his hands and kicked him so hard that he hit his head at the wall behind him and got knocked out.

Y/n could hear the shooting start outside but didn't have much time to think about it as another man charged at her his rifle knocked out of his hands in his fight with one of the boys. As he came at her, Y/n quickly stepped out of the way, took his wrist and twisted it and using his own momentum threw him at the wall. He stumbled and Y/n using her legs, sweeped his from below him. He fell down, which caused his helmet to come off, and Y/n shoot him through his head killing him, before she could comprehend what she was doing. As soon as she saw blood oozing out of him, she dropped the gun and looked in horror at what has she done.

Someone put a hand on Y/n's shoulder and she flinched and without looking at who is it, she pushed away, breathing heavily.

"Hey! Hey it's just me." Yohan said putting his hands on her shoulder. "It's alright it's over." But he saw that she wasn't listening to what he was saying as her eyes were locked on the person she killed. He sighed, knowing how difficult first kills could be and the guilt one faces after.

He put his hands on either sides of her face forcing her to look at him instead of the corpse. "It's Alright Y/n. If you didn't kill him, he would have killed you or me Or your brothers." He told her softly but firmly.


"No buts, he wasn't a good man and doesn't deserve for you to give a second thought about him." Y/n nodded and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, all of Y/n's brothers surrounded her and fussing over her.

"Are you alright?"

"You aren't hurt, are you?"

"You could have been hurt!!"

Y/n sighed, "I am alright guys and I'm not hurt." She told them and they nodded reluctantly. Yohan smiled at the scene in front of him, he knew she felt lonely the first two years she was in Busan. He was glad that she found people that care about her.

"Now, stop fussing about me, this fight isn't over yet." She said and they nodded reluctantly. Y/n knew they had a lot of questions as did she but now was not the time.

The fighting inside ceased as quickly as it began but the sounds of bullets firing still came from outside someone was putting up a tough fight. BTS, Y/n and Yohan stayed inside, trying to keep themselves safe.

After about fifteen minutes, the noises stopped and the doors opened again. They took their stance ready to fight once again if they have to, but quickly relaxed seeing that it was only Eunwoo. He came running towards both of them and pulled them into a group hug.

They pulled away from each other as a voice came from behind them, and Y/n froze.

"Seriously!! Leaving me out of the hug. I expected better from you sister."

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