Wedding day

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Y/n pov
Today is Mom's wedding. She is really happy and my mood is as bad as u can imagine. I'm just thinking about Dad and Minjun, although I always miss them like hell but today I am feeling like I can do anything to meet them.
         It's been 15 mins since Mom asked me to get ready. I don't want to but I have to get ready as the wedding is in 2 hours.
*Time Skip*
After getting ready and reaching wedding place.

As soon as I entered everyone was looking at me and murmuring appreciating my beauty.

I saw BTS was already there and they were also looking at me.
After sometime the ceremony started and mom and Mr. Kim started taking vows.I was really uncomfortable. Then the priest said
Priest: You may kiss the bride.
I couldn't see more so I ran outside and sat on a table trying to control my tears. I was having a hard time controlling my tears thinking about dad.
Y/n's mind: Dad u are the only one in this world who is my dad. Nanny told me the first word I spoke was dad and u were so happy. She told me that she had never seen u that happy before. I won't ever call anyone Dad except u.
Minjun-ah no matter how much far we live u are the person I love the most. I hope we can again live together like we used to. I miss u.
I was busy thinking and controlling my tears when I heard someone's voice.

?? : Talking to yourself in your mind is the first sign of getting mad and it's not good to control your tears.
I turned around to see.
Y/n: Mark Oppa!
Mark: Hi princess
Then before I could say anything he brought me into a bone crushing hug and said
Mark: Cry as much as you want to. Don't hold back. Crying doesn't means u are weak.

BTS pov
We were there at the wedding place sitting quietly as none of us wanted to be here. Then suddenly everyone's attention went on someone and they started murmuring Appriciatively. We turned around and saw Y/n. She looks really beautiful.
Then after some time the wedding vows started and the priest asked to kiss the bride. We were disgusted and looked at y/n she was also disgusted. Not being able to see more she ran outside and we decided to follow her. She was sitting at a bench thinking something and her face looked like she would burst out crying anytime.
Then suddenly we saw someone coming and saying.
??: Talking to yourself in your mind is the first sign of getting mad and it's not good to control your tears.

Then y/n turned around to see him and said
Y/n: Mark oppa
Mark:Hi princess
We were really really curious that who is he that they are calling each other oppa and princess.
Then that mark guy suddenly hugged y/n as said
Mark: Cry as much as you want to. Don't hold back. Crying doesn't means u are weak.
Y/n: Aniyo oppa I won't cry. I promised them when I came here that I won't cry.
Then they pulled away from the hug and Y/n asked
Y/n: How is he?
Mark: He is fine. After u came here Boss started coming home more and taking care of him. But he really misses u a lot and sometimes crys too.

Unable to control our curiosity we went towards them.
RM: Y/n who is he?
She turned towards us and said.
Y/n: He is mark oppa. He works for my dad. We are really close and he is like my brother.
Mark: Who are they Y/n?
Y/n: They are son's of Mr. Kim the person whom my mom is marrying.
Mark: oh. Hello nice to meet u.
We didn't answered him instead asked
Jimin: What us this guy doing here?
Y/n:He........What are you doing here oppa? (She asked him so sweetly and innocently that we were jealous)
Mark: I'm here to check on u Yn-ah. Also I have something to give to u. He asked me to give it to you.
Then she took the gift but neither said anything nor opened it.
We were really curious as to what is in it and who is this 'He' but controlled ourselves.

Y/n pov
I really wanted to open the gift but didn't because I knew I will get really emotional and start crying.
Mark: Princess don't u want to open it.
I shaked my head and said.
Y/n: Aniyo not now oppa I will open it when I am in my right mind.
Mark: Okay.
Then suddenly I realized something
Y/n: Oppa did u called me mad earlier. (Questioning tone)
Mark: Oh sorry princess I didn't meant to say the Truth. Didn't thought u will realise it.
He said in a dramatic way making BTS laugh and me annoyed.
Y/nn: Just wait Markie your dramatic ass is gone now.
Then Mark started running with me behind him. After a Tom and Jerry fight and we started bickering each other and throwing insults to each other of course in a friendly way. Then we heard.
Jin: Stob it u guys otherwise we will die laughing.
Then we saw BTS laughing at us and having a hard time to control themselves. This made us embarrassed and we went towards them. Then Mark oppa said.
Mark: Princess I have to go now.
Y/n: Wait oppa I have something to give to u.
I took a box and a letter out of my handbag and gave it to him.
Y/n: I knew one of dad's men would come to check on me today, so prepared it. But I didn't thought that it would be u. Looks like dad still trusts u with me. Please give it to 'him'.
Mark: Wow, I came to meet u, cheered u up and he is the one getting all the love and gift.
Y/n: Wow oppa I didn't knew u are the type to get jealous.
I said but at the same time I went to him, kissed him on the cheeks and hugged him bye.

After Mark oppa left
Jk: What was that?
Y/n: What?
Taehyung: How can u kiss a boy?
Y/n: I didn't kiss him. I just gave a peck on cheek.
Jimin: Same thing.
Y/n: No it's not.
J-hope: He is a boy.
Y/n: He is not just a boy, he is like my elder brother.
RM and Jin: He is like your elder brother not your elder brother.
Y/n:(annoyed) He is more than that. I know him since I was 7 he has basically raised me up.
BTS: Whatever
Y/n: Seriously what is wrong with you guys.
Yoongi: Nothing, let's go inside I'm tired.

With that we went inside did our dinner and went to Kim mansion as we are going to live there from now.

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