Treating the wounds

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It was Friday evening and Y/n was in her room eating snacks and watching her favorite TV show, 'The Originals', when she heard her eldest brothers voice.

"Y/n-ah come downstairs, we need to talk to you."


She quickly got off her bed, wore her slippers and went downstairs in the living room. She saw all her brothers wearing fancy tux and suits.

"What- Woah! You guys look nice." She complimented.

"Thanks." They all replied simultaneously.

"You guys going somewhere? "

"Uh, yeah. We're going to a party organised by one of our business partners. We would take you but, no one except the people who are directly involved with the latest project are allowed." Jin explained.

"Nah! I'm fine where I am. "

"You're not upset that we aren't taking you? " RM asked shocked.

"Yeah, other girls would be throwing tantrums about not being able to attend a party." J-hope added.

"I am not some other girl now, am I? " Y/n commented and made a gesture of wiping off invisible dust off her shoulder.

Boys chuckled at her antics.

"Of course you aren't." Jungkook confirmed.

"Moreover, sitting here and watching Originals while drooling over Joseph Morgan sounds better than dolling up and behaving all posh." Y/n shrugged.

"You're definitely something else." V shook his head.

"Nah, she isn't. I would do that too, if I could." Jimin disagreed.

"What?! Drool over Joseph Morgan!" Yoongi asked his brother.

"No, stay home and watch TV. " Y/n replied before Jimin could even open his mouth and he nodded his head.

"Since when are you two a team and not at each others head? " Jungkook raised his brow at them.

"Since, we bond over our favorite TV show." Jimin told them.

"Yeah, but he drools over Claire Holt instead of Joseph Morgan." Y/n added.

Everyone gives the two of them a wierd look.

"What?! Joseph Morgan/ Claire Holt is hot!! " Both of them just shrugged.

The rest shook their heads at them.

"Alright, we should go before we get late." Jin told everyone.

"Wait! Before you go, Can I call Eun Woo here? We need to catch up. It's been a long time." Y/n asked her brothers.

"It's your home too, Y/n. You don't need our permission to call someone home." J-hope told her.

"Thanks, it's just I haven't seen you guys calling any of your friends coming home."

"We don't have many friends seeing we don't trust easily." RM shrugged.

"Yeah, and if you call someone home make sure you can trust them." Jimin told her.

"Don't worry guys, I'm as paranoid about safety as one could be." Y/n assured them.

"Well, see you later then. We will be back around 1 or 2." Taehyung said.

"Bye." Y/n bid everyone bye, hugged Jungkook and went to her room.

Everyone looked at Jungkook who raised his brows at them.

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