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Boyfriend. I'm Y/n's Boyfriend

Bts looked shocked and looked at their sister with an irritated look. Y/n on the other hand rolled her eyes and removed Eunwoo's hand from her shoulder and said,
"Seriously, from all the things u could have said... U just couldn't control yourself could u"
"There is nothing wrong in having some fun."
"Fun! Fun! Look at their faces do they think of this as funny. "
Eunwoo looked at BTS expression and gulped.
"Moreover the last time I saw u had a girlfriend. "
"My dear friend the last time u saw me was two years ago... We broke up. "

Bts looked confused and Jk asked
" So u guys aren't dating. "
Listening to this Y/n and Eunwoo laughed so hard that there were tears coming out of their eyes. Wiping his tears Eunwoo said, "We aren't dating and we never will.... I would date zombies rather than her and I sympathise with the poor soul who decides to date her. "

Bts relaxed liking the boy slightly more, Y/n on the other hand looked highly offended.
" Seriously, as if I would date someone like u... Who doesn't remember his own girlfriend's birthday. "
"That was just one time. "
"Of course" Y/n said sarcastically. "What was the reason u guys u broke up? "
"It was getting too much... She was getting clingy... Saying I didn't payed her enough attention always spending time with my friends and after u came here spent my time being obsessed about where u are and trying to contact u. "
"And why do I get the feeling that u didn't do anything to make her feel better? "
"Cause I didn't. She asked me to choose between our friends and u Or her, so I told to change her relationship status to single and told her to leave, cause u and me, we are plantoic soulmates and in the end we will together find her and haunt her in her dreams. "
Y/n looked at him with a raised brow and laughed hard and Bts chuckled in amusement.
"Seriously it wasn't like there was a choice, it was either her or our friends and u. And everyone knows what I will choose, she was being completely delusional if she thought even for a second that I would choose her over u guys."
Y/n looked at him with a proud smile and Bts with respect.
Y/n looked at Bts and asked them,
"So oppa, what do u guys think about this idiot here? "

Before Bts could answer Eunwoo asked, "OPPA? So u really accepted  them as your brothers?"
Although his tone was curious rather than accusing, BTS didn't like the question.
Seeing the looks on the faces of them Eunwoo added, "Sorry i didn't mean any offense. I just never thought she would call anyone as her brother other than Min-jun. "

Y/n : Yep they may seem like Voldemort from outside but they are more like Harry.

Bts made offended noises after being compared to Voldemort.
" Seriously how could u compare us to him? "
" We have a nose"
" How can u compare such a handsome face to his ugly one. "
Y/n rolled her eyes at her brother's antics and said, " See I told u they are softies. "

Eunwoo just shook his head with a smile, glad that his friend is happy.

Hey guys, what do u think about this chapter. I know I'm updating really small chapters but I promise that I promise I will update longer ones after my exams. Until then enjoy and vote and comment to express your opinions.

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