The unexpected

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Before u guys go into the story I wanted to say that if u guys like my story then please vote for it..... And also express your thoughts by commenting...... I just keep on writing without knowing what u guys think about it..... I don't mind if the comments are negative or positive, I just want to know your opinion...
Thank you

Jungkook and y/n were going to the parking area to meet the rest of their brothers. As soon as they went near their limo, they saw all of their brothers standing there. They knew they were going to be lectured about coming late, so before anyone can say anything Jungkook and Y/n spoke,
"We got late because teacher decided to take a few minutes extra. "
"Yeah, I promise we weren't strolling"

Before anyone could say anything a voice familiar to Y/n and unknown to others spoke....
" I see taking side of brother is still a habit. "
Y/n turned towards the voice wide eyed and stared the guy in front of her in shock, while BTS was staring at the guy in confusion. The guy spoke again......
"They say beauty is inside, you better hope it's true cause it's nothing up there."

BTS got angry and were about to react buy stopped and looked even more confused at Y/n's reaction. She shook her head in amusement and laughed loudly and said,
"Seriously? You were the sperm that won? Your face could scare the shit out of a toilet. "
The guy laughed loudly and said, " You know normal friends would hug each other when they meet each other after a long time instead of throwing insults at each other. "
"Well normal isn't the tag we would receive would it? " Y/n said but ran towards him to hug and he squeezed the life out of her.
" Yah, I would like to see my 18th birthday you know. "
"I know, it's just I'm really happy to see you after so long. "
" I'm happy to see you to but I would have preferred Na-ri over you. "

The guy mocked hurt and placed a hand on his heart and said, " You really wound me Y/n-ah." And flicked her on the forehead. Y/n just smacked the back of his head in reply.

While the two friends were having a reunion, BTS were getting really annoyed by the lack of information and the close proximity of their sister with a boy, so they decided to break the sappy reunion and went towards them.

RM: Who is this guy Y/n?
Y/n: Oh, sorry oppa, I forgot to introduce you guys, oppa this is Cha eun woo my -

Before she could say anything she was cutoff by Eunwoo, he wrapped a hand on Y/n's shoulder pulled her closer to him and said,
Eunwoo: Boyfriend! I'm Y/n's boyfriend.

And a cliff hanger..... I bet none of u thought the introduction of Eunwoo and BTS with each other would be like this..... Yes, you guys voted for Eunwoo the most..

I'm sorry for those who voted for other ones..... I will try to add them in the story later.... And also some people were commenting to choose someone else as Eunwoo has been Y/n's boyfriend in ffs a lot of times..... I put a poll for adding a new character not for the role of boyfriend.....

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