Chapter 11

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I wandered through the obsidian castle until I found the throne room. Standing in the middle, with his sword drawn was Kian.

"Kian! What are you doing?!"

"Alena!" He ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"Why are you here? You know you'll die if-."

"Oh I know why he's here." Another voice that I didn't recognize called out. I let go of Kian and I finally got to lay my eyes on King Erebus. He was tall, skinny with long black hair and pale skin. He had all black armour and a red sword.

"He's here to sacrifice his life to save yours because he loves you."

"Kian is this true?" Kian didn't say anything.

"Too bad, looks like I'll have to kill you both. Starting with you, foolish man." A bright red light struck Kian making him collapse to the ground.

"Kian!" I yelled rushing to his side.

"Alena I did it for you."

"I know you did, here let me heal you."

"No! It would be better off if you didn't. You where right about me....I am the fool who dies in the end."

"No you won't. You'll be alright, we will win this together." I said trying to be brave.

"Alena, I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you."

"You're more then enough." I said blinking away tears.

"Don't cry for me." He said wiping away a tear.

"Please don't go, this land needs you. I need you." He shook his head and then he breathed no more. My heart was once again filled with hate and rage. I walked towards Erebus, my magic streaming from my hands.

"Looks like the true hero has come to fight." He stood up with his own red magic ready.

"I killed Xanath, I can kill you." I said threateningly. I ran at him with all my fury and started punching him. Of course he dodged each attack and managed to land a punch on me across the face.

"Give up? Or are you hungry for more?"

"You can save it for Belladonna."

"My daughter? You have her magic?"

"I have her soul, her fury, her patience and her heart. Right now every piece of her and me are saying kill you."

"That gives me all the more reason to fight back!" He yelled running at me. I gave him a kick to the stomach which sent him crashing into his throne.

"You're hate is strong! Rage makes me stronger! It feeds me and my army! Without it you are powerless."

"Good thing my compassion is stronger then you or any army." His eyes widened, while using the force field thing I wiped out every trace of Erebus and his army but at a great cost. I landed on the ground and with my vision fading in and out I crawled towards Kian's body. Using whatever strength I had left I grabbed onto his hand and tried to heal him. Then my vision went black. I woke up the sounds of my friends panic. I stood up and they all hugged me.

"What happened?"

"What happened is you almost died!" Ruby yelled hugging me.

"And Jespar used his magic to bring you back." Lasria explained.

"And Kian?" I asked confused. The people surrounding me parted so I could walk towards him.

"Alena I'm sorry about what-." I cut him off by kissing him on the cheek.

"Shut up you idiot." I muttered before hugging him. When I let go I turned to face my friends.

"Alena you did it! You are the hero!" Gwyneira exclaimed.

"No I'm not the hero, WE are the HEROES."

"The heroes of Esllar." Nerissa pointed out.

"Yeah the heroes of Esllar." I looked past the crowd and saw Belladonna and Erebus in ghost form. I nodded and they nodded back before walking away and turning into a light blue portal. I walked away from my friends and towards the portal.

"I know you guys are from the 21st century like I am, Isode told me. My real name is Jordan Davis, as you enter the portal please tell me what your real name is." I told them.

"My names Kate." Gwyneira started.

"I'm Valerie." Ruby chimed in.

"I'm Erika." Lasria said.

"My name is Amber." Shanira said happily.

"I'm Trisha." Amaris said joining in.

"I'm Alex. Alex Parker."

Kian said walking up to me. Everyone walked into the portal except me.

"I'll be waiting for your return Jordan."

"Thank you Jespar, for everything." I said smiling as I walked through the portal. I opened my eyes to see that it was the same date and time as it was when I opened the book except it was closed.

"This must have been just before I opened it." I said glancing down at the cover. I placed my hand on top and smiled.

"Don't worry guys. I will find you, just like I did before I will find each and every last one."

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