Chapter 1

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"Jordan! Your early access book is here!" My dad yelled as I ran down the stairs.

"Thanks dad." I picked up my book from the dinner table and took it back upstairs. I placed it on my desk and sat down on my chair.

"Alright, time to open up my new book." I opened the book and a bright light started to grow from within the book; outwards. When I opened my eyes I looked around to see the sky and when I realized what was going on did I scream. I was falling, from the sky and into a forest.  I crashed into the tops of the trees and the 'soft' branches cushioned my fall. I landed on the ground face first in the dirt.

"GOD DAMNIT!" I yelled before I got dirt in my mouth. I sat up and spat out some dirt.

"Where am I? I was just at home a few minutes ago, opening my book." I stood up and looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a ripped up brown dress and flats to match. I looked around and noticed a shadowy figure run by.

"Hello? I'm uh lost. Can you help me?" Someone jumped behind me, I turned around to see some guy punch me in the face. When I woke up I heard two voices arguing.

"What have I told you?! We do not hit women!"

"This woman of yours could have been a threat. I dealt with her."

"You idiot you could have killed  her!!" One of the males yelled. The other stormed out the door as the first guy walked towards me.

"Miss, are you awake?"

"Hmm?" I asked pretending to be asleep.

"You can't fool an old guy like me. Open your eyes Miss." I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed. The guy was in his mid 50's and had a lot of grey hair.

"Where am I?"

"You are in Vanem. The human village."

"Huh and that forest I was in."

"That is Brinyth. My apologizes for how Kian treated you. He's a knight, their egos override their brain size." I chuckled and climbed out of the bed.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Jordan and I'm 18 years old." I told the guy as he scratched his beard thoughtfully.

"My name is Jespar. I am or was a trainer of Heroes, I'm more well known now as an old Mage and teacher. So Jordan, what brings you here to Esllar?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"All I know is that I was going to read a book when soon I was falling from the sky and landed in the forest." He scratched his beard again.

"Perhaps you have been sent? Maybe it was destiny or fate that you came here but I have a feeling that you are very important to end this war."

"War?" I asked confused.

"For many years everywhere has been under siege by the creatures of the night. Their King Erebus seeks world domination in hopes to bring pain in suffering to all kingdoms. There was a prophecy that predicted that a warrior of  human kind would lead a team of mighty heroes one from each kingdom and bring end to Erebus' rule. My student Kian believed that HE is this great hero and that he will save us all. How he became so foolish I do not know, but I have faith that the gods will send us the true hero."

"But how does this tie in with me? All I did was fall from the sky." Jespar shrugged.

"Well how about, until we can find out a way to return you home, you come with me. I could use some help around here and we need to go shopping. Come with me and we can get you some proper clothes." I nodded and followed Jespar out into the streets. The town was full of life and people walked in all different directions. It was like a scene out of a movie.

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