Chapter 3

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"Pretty good I guess."

"Use your magic to shoot away the wolfs."

"What about the horse?"

"He won't go anywhere." Lasria assured me. I turned around and started shooting my blue magic at the wolves. I hit about three out of the seven.

"They're too fast I can't get a good shot at them."

"I got another idea. On the count of three, use the force field thing." I tried but it could barely work.

"I can't do it while we're moving." I admitted.

"No worries. Quick, turn into the gorge!" We turned into a gorge and road down into the middle of the canyon."

"Will they follow us down here?" I asked as I turned around to see them barking at us.

"Apparently not."

"I wonder why." I looked forward and saw a bunch of men pointing spears at us.

"Again with the spears!" I yelled jumping off my horse-after I stopped of course- and walking towards them. Lasria pulled out her sword and walked with me. A group of men jumped us from behind.

"Ready?" Lasria asked.

"Ready." We fought back to back. She chopped off limbs and stabbed them while I shot them with magic. I picked up one dude that was left alive by the collar of the shirt.

"Who is your leader?"

"Drakone! King Drakone!" He yelled.

"Tell Drakone, the hero is in town." I muttered with a sadistic smile on my face before wrapping him up in magic and throwing him aside.

"Do you think he'll be much a threat?" Lasria asked whipping some blood off her sword

. "No. Do you know anyone by the name of King Drakone?" She nodded.

"He is the Barbarian King. Drakone is known to terrorize the people of Slairia. I have been sent on numerous assassination attempts against him and his men. Each time he slipped through my fingers. Come on, let's get back to Slairia."

As we walked towards the horses we where jumped. Two men held us in place, while two more bound our wrists and ankles in chains.

"King Drakone will pay a hefty price for these two lovely flowers."

A creepy guy tried to put his hand near Lasria and so she bit his finger.

"Ow. More like desert snake!" He slapped her across the face and we where thrown into the back of a cart.

"Night night girlies." I blacked out and when I woke up it was bright and we where in a desert.

"Lasria, where are we?"

"We are nearing the camp of Drakone. No doubt we'll be sold by these slave traders." The cart stopped and two men slung us over their shoulders and carried us out. They stood us beside a bunch of other people being sold. I saw a group of men. There was two that stood out to me. One-the obvious leader- kept his eyes on Lasria and I the hole time. When he approached us, I wanted to kick him upside the head. The second looked awfully familiar.

"Kian what do you make of these two?" Kian stepped forward, I knew I recognized him! That sleaze bag!

"The one in the purple. I can put to use, the one the red however. Drakone could use her."

"Very well. Get the first one prepared for presenting to Drakone! And as for the second one, Kian can deal with her." Kian dragged me away from the crowd and shoved me into a tent.

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