Page 39: Broken:

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Hook and Cora stood on the rooftop of one of the shops, watching Regina leave Granny's. 

"Well, is she broken?" Hook asked Cora while they watched Regina look sad. 

"Not yet," Cora smirked as Hook looked at her.

An hour later, Dream walked home when she headed inside her house. "Mom?" She called, but she got no response. Before heading upstairs, she put her shoes on the rack by the door. She walked by, seeing that her mom's door was closed with the lights off, so she assumed that Regina was already in bed. 

Dream sighed, heading to her room when she took her winter jacket off and set it on her desk chair.  She sighed to herself, seeing Hook's satchel next to the "Frog Prince" book. It had been a wild few days. Before they left for the party, Regina put Dream's heart back in her chest, using blood magic so that no one could retake it. Dream just moved to her closet, getting some pajamas and a towel, before heading to the shower.

Once she got out, she braided her hair while it dried. She put on an oversized sweatshirt with Mickey Mouse and a pair of red cotton shorts. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before returning to her room.

"Hello, love."

Dream jumped, turning around to see Hook. She moved, grabbing the dagger that she kept with her when Hook smirked at her reaction. 

"Relax, love. I'm not here to get into another tussle." He smirked when Dream kept holding up the dagger. 

"How did you get here?" Dream asked him when he smirked, moving closer to her and lowering the dagger.

"Remember that bean I showed Emma..." He said when Dream's eyes widened.

"The lake could bring back anything... I should have known." Dream sighed, scoffing to herself. 

"Exactly." He smirked when he moved his hook under her chin. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to come to Storybrooke for your revenge." Dream said, moving back from Hook.

"Well, I had to pay a visit and return something of yours." Hook said, holding up Dream's bracelet when she furrowed her brows.

"How did you--" She went to say, reaching for the bracelet, but Hook moved it from her grasp.

"Not so fast, darling... My dear friend, Cora, enchanted the bracelet." Hook smirked when Dream realized that Hook did not come to Storybrooke alone. 

"To do what?" Dream asked, looking up at Hook's blue eyes when he smirked. 

"To reveal the truth." He said when he grabbed her wrist with his hook, tying the bracelet around Dream's wrist. She watched him before looking up as he was looking at her.

"What truth?" Dream asked, after clearing her throat, once she realized that she had been staring at him.

Before Hook could answer her back, Dream winced as she felt a pain in her head before Hook watched her nose start to bleed. 

"Are you--" He stopped when she looked freaked out as the bracelet started glowing. 

They both watched as the bracelet turned into a projector, showing what appeared to be a memory. 

"What is this?" Dream asked when she looked at Hook. 

It was Regina, looking down at Dream as a baby.

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Dream had to be a few weeks old as Regina sat on the examination bed while Graham and Gold stood on either side of her. 

"Why is the crocodile there?" Hook asked Dream, who looked confused and shocked. 

"I don't know..." Dream sighed as she watched Regina rocking her as a baby.

"We need to talk about the deal, Regina? You are not gonna keep me from her." Gold said when leaning on his cane.

"I have already told you that we made the agreement that we would both get what we want. I wanted a child, and you got your heir to inherit your business, your properties, and whatever else. But I get to raise her... She's my child, Gold." Regina scoffed when baby Dream started to cry when Regina moved to rock her as Gold walked out. 

The memory changed to when Gold stamped Regina with the wraith.

"Oh my..." Dream said when the memory faded away.

Hook looked at her, seeing the astonishment on her face. "You didn't know?" He asked as she looked up at him, tears running down her cheeks. 

"No." Dream sighed, moving to wipe her tears. 

Hook looked at her when a feeling of guilt came over him. Something about her made his vengeful heart show a glimpse of hope again. Dream moved when she wiped her nose with her sleeve, sitting on the bed. 

Gold was her father. 

Her mother was still keeping things away from her. 

"So, you gonna kill me now? Or?" Dream asked, looking up at Hook, who had moved to look at her.

"Kill you?" Hook asked, furrowing his brow when Dream kept wiping her eyes. Hook knelt down in front of Dream, who tried her hardest to look away from Hook. "We've both been wronged by the crocodile, love..." He said, using his hook to move her chin to make her look at him. "You might still be useful for my revenge, darling." Hook smirked, running his cold metal hook across Dream's cheek when she looked at him, trying not to show that she was upset. Hook stood back up when he escaped out of Dream's window. 

Once Hook left, Dream started to cry. The whole time, Dream was told that her father died when she was a baby, only to learn that was a lie. Dream shook her head before she got off the bed, grabbed her red duffle bag, and packed it with some clothes, a phone charger, and a makeup bag. She packed up the bag, zipping it shut, before putting on a pair of sneakers. She grabbed her coat and her keys, heading out to her car.

She drove to Granny's bed and breakfast when she took the spare money that she kept in case of emergency, which she never thought she would have to use in Storybrooke.

"Hey, sweetie? What are you doing here?" Granny asked, seeing Dream clearly upset and in pajamas.

"I need a room, Granny... I can't stay home right now." Dream said when Granny moved to hug and comfort the girl, who started crying in her arms. 

~season 2, episode 10: "The Cricket Game"~

~1070 words~

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