Page 3: Dream's Condition:

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"Dream, honey... It's time for your medicine." Regina said, walking in with a small cup of pills and a cup of water.

Dream sighed when she sat up in her bed. These episodes were not new. She has had them since she was little. But after every one of them, Regina babied her until she knew that Dream was okay. 

"What are you reading?" Regina asked, sitting on the bed when Dream was sipping the water after swallowing her pills.

"Henry's storybook. I just enough fairytales." Dream shrugged off, putting her cup on her nightstand next to the photo of Regina, Dream, and Henry. It was from when Henry was a baby, and Dream was around his age now. 

"Ever since you were a baby." Regina chuckled at her. "Well, I need to stop by the office. Call if you need me, and I will come straight home. I mean it, Dreamy." Regina said as Dream nodded, knowing the deal.

Regina did not head to her office as she told her daughter. She headed to the cemetery. She looked at the grave next to her vault when she walked into it. She opened the door when she saw a coffin. She placed a red rose on top of it, looking at the engraved name. 

"Daddy..." She mumbled softly when she hovered her hand over the name, "Henry Mills. Loving husband and father".

Regina pushed the coffin to the side, revealing stone staircases. She headed down the stairs, seeing more rooms made of stone walls. When she walked over to a table, many books and boxes were in the room. It had a glass dome with a gold tray. Regina sighed, seeing the floating, glowing rose. A few petals were on the gold tray when Regina raised the glass dome. She took a blue vial when she found a small dropper.

"Why did I think of having my child's life connected to a magic rose?" Regina scoffed, dropping some of the drops from the blue vial. 

She picked up one of the fallen petals and pulled out a pill bottle from her jacket pocket. She opened the lid, crushing the petal that magically turned into red capsule pills. She closed the lid back, looking at the label. "Dream D. Mills. Take as needed." She sighed when she put the bottle back in her pocket before putting the dome back over the rose. She looked around the room when her phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" She asked, after answering, when she saw Dream's contact pop up. 

"Mom? Can you stop and get some grilled cheeses from Granny's? I'm starving." Dream asked, making Regina chuckle over the phone.

"Sure, honey. Anything for my little girl." She smiled before heading out of her vault.


Dream was sitting in her room while Henry stayed with her, reading the story. Henry didn't have school today. So, he stayed by his sister's side, as she did when he was sick. 

"Once she was released from her mother's magic, she took off running towards the stable..." Henry read out when Dream kept watching her brother. "She paced... and paced... Letting out a deep breath that she didn't know she was holding." Henry kept reading when Dream smiled, watching her little brother reading to her.

"Dream! Henry!"

The two of them stopped when they heard their mother's voice call for them. "Hey, we'll finish it later, right?" Dream smiled when she got up to go downstairs. "You coming?" She asked when Henry nodded, closing his book.

Once he got off the bed, Henry paused, seeing Dream heading towards the stairs when he looked at the ottoman by Dream's window. He saw her bag. "You'll understand why I borrowed this soon, Dreamy." Henry sighed when he moved to open Dream's bag and found her wallet. It was white with apples on it. Henry opened it up, finding the credit card that Regina gave to Dream, before stashing it in his pocket. He took his book and headed downstairs with his book in hand.

Many years ago. 

The Enchanted Forest.

Regina paced while Daniel looked over, still brushing Regina's horse. Regina stopped pacing when she turned to walk closer to him. "Daniel..." She sighed, looking at the hay on the ground. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." She said, looking up at him.

"That's all right." He smiled at her when he stopped brushing the horse. "You'll just have to find some way to make it up to me." Daniel smiled, walking closer to Regina.

Regina almost instantly wrapped her arms around Daniel's neck, pulling him into a kiss. He kissed her back, without hesitation, passionately. After a few minutes, they pulled away, and then they just smiled at each other. Daniel moved back a bit, pulling something out of his pockets.

"I got this for you." Daniel smiled, holding up a necklace. It was gold with a rose chain on it. The rose was red with a single diamond in the center. "Oh, it's beautiful." Regina smiled when he put the necklace on her.

Present day. 

Storybrooke, Maine.

Dream sat at the counter with her mother and Henry. The three of them were laughing while eating grilled cheeses with milkshakes. Regina knew it was unhealthy due to her routine and strict nature, but she enjoyed these moments with her children. Dream smiled when Regina watched her fiddle with the chain of her necklace. It was gold with a red rose charm and a singular diamond in the center.

~season 1, episode 1: "Stable Boy"~

~911 words~

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