Page 23: Dream Meets Captain Hook:

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Mary Margaret held Dream back while Mulan listened to Emma tying the man to the tree. Aurora stood with Dream, feeling concerned because the man might be telling the truth.

"I already told you. I'm just a blacksmith." The man pleaded, looking at Dream, who was the only one believing him. "Sure, you are." Emma scoffed, standing in front of him.

"Emma?" Dream scoffed, but Emma ignored her, whistling to get an ogre's attention in the distance. Dream turned to look where the noise was coming from, hearing a distant roar like the one from the other night.

"You don't want to talk to us? Maybe, you'll talk to the ogres while they rip you, limb from limb." Emma threatened the man, while everyone but her looked nervous. The man didn't break his story when Mary Margaret grabbed Dream's hoodie, trying to keep her from breaking the man free. "Come on," Emma said when they were about to walk off, all but Dream.

"What... You can't just leave me here like this." He said when Mary Margaret tried to drag Dream with them.

"What if he's telling the truth?" Dream asked while she looked back at the man with Aurora. "Dream, he's not... Why don't you ask the frogs?" Emma said, looking at the girl sarcastically.

Dream turned to look at Emma, missing the man's mood change. "Good for you. You bested me." He chuckled, making the group stop. "I can count the amount of people who've done that on one hand." The man said that when Dream watched his mood change, she scoffed because she let her emotions cloud her judgment.

"That supposed to be funny?" Emma scoffed at him, walking back over.

"Who are you?" Dream asked, making him look at her. "Killian Jones. But most people have taken to calling me by my more colorful moniker. Hook." The man said as the girls looked shocked. "Hook?" Mary Margaret gasped, looking at him.

"Check my satchel." He said, moving his gaze to Dream, who was keeping his satchel.

"As in Captain Hook?" Dream asked when she opened the satchel, finding a silver hook. "Ah, so you've heard of me." He smirked, watching her hold up his hook.

They all turned at the loud thud coming closer to them. There was a tree crashing to the ground as the ground shook from the impact. "You better hurry up; they're getting closer," Emma said, turning her attention back to Hook. "So, unless you wanna be dinner, you better start talking." She continued, making him chuckle.

"Cora wanted me to gain your trust, especially yours..." He said, glancing up at Dream, who still looked betrayed. " I could learn everything there is to know about your Storybrooke. She didn't want any surprises when she finally got over there." Hook continued to say, speaking to the whole group.

"She can't get there. We destroyed the wardrobe." Mary Margaret objected while Dream sighed, still feeling guilty about it.

"Ah, but the enchantment remains. Cora gathered the ashes; she's gonna use them to open a portal." He said, but they heard the ogre getting closer before he could continue. "Now, if you'll kindly cut me loose..." Hook said when the girls were angry.

"No. We should leave him here to die, to pay for all the lives that he took." Mulan said, holding her sword up.

"That was Cora, not me." He said to them, correcting their judgment. "Let's go," Emma said, turning to leave again. "Wait. Wait!" He said, making them stop. "You need me alive." He said when Dream was the first to look at him.

"Why? And no more lies?" She asked him.

"Because we both want the same thing. To get back to your land." Hook said when Emma moved closer. "You will say anything to save yourself. Why are we supposed to believe you now?" Emma asked him while Dream listened to his words carefully. "I arranged for transport with Cora, but seeing how resourceful you are, I'll offer you the same deal. I'll help you if you promise to take me along." Hook said to the group.

"How are you going to help us get home?" Mary Margaret asked him, holding onto his bow that was ready to be fired at any moment.

"The ashes will open a portal. But to find your land, she needs more. There's an enchantment compass. Cora seeks it. I'll help you obtain it before she does." Hook said, looking between Emma and Dream. "So, Cora won't make it to Storybrooke, and we'll be one step closer to getting home..." Emma said, hopeful, before turning to look at her mother, who shook her head. "Sounds too good to be true." Mary Margaret sighed, not having faith in the pirate.

"There's only one way to find out." Hook said as the ogre's growling was getting closer.

Dream grabbed the dagger from Emma, holding it up to Hook. "You tell me one thing. And whatever you say, I better believe it. Why does Captain Hook want to go to Storybrooke?" Dream asked as Hook's beautiful blue eyes looked into Dream's greenish, hazel eyes. "To exact revenge on the man who took my hand. Rumpelstiltskin." Hook said in a low, threatening tone.

Dream used the dagger, cutting the ropes off of him. "Dream?" Emma and Mary Margaret explained, watching Dream take one of the ropes tying his hand and missing hand in front of him. "What are you doing?" Emma asked, making Dream look at her.

"Like it or not, we need his help to get home." Dream said when she stopped Emma before Emma could say anything else. "Let's go." Dream said, pushing Hook forward as they hurried away before the ogre could reach them.

"Up ahead. We'll find the compass just over the ridge." Hook announced, leading the way, while Dream followed, holding onto her dagger, then Mulan and Aurora followed, with Mary Margaret and Emma trailing behind.

Hook stopped, causing them all to stop. "Let me guess. The compass is up there?" Emma asked when they all looked at a giant beanstalk in the distance. "Oh, yeah." He nodded while they either looked in awe or disbelief. "So, how do we get to it?" Dream asked, making Hook look at her with a devilishly grin.

"It's not the climb you need to worry about. It's the giant at the top." Hook said when Emma started walking again, while Dream pushed Hook's shoulder ahead, while the other three followed.

~season 2, episode 5: "The Doctor"~

~1069 words~

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