Page 71: Confronting:

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*Storybrooke, Maine*

"I give you the location of the dagger." Hook said, pointing to a spot on the map. "Well done, Hook." Cora smiled before taking the map. "We'll take it from here." She said, walking towards the door of the library.

"No! You promised me!" Hook yelled when he saw Regina following her mother while dragging Dream with them.

Cora waved her hand, making Hook fall, knocking him out when he flew against the wall. They watched Dream wince when Cora saw that Hook's satchel opened, causing a box to fall onto the floor. "Dream?" Regina asked, keeping her attention on her daughter.

Cora walked over, picking up the box when Regina and Dream looked over at her. "Thieving pirate..." Cora scoffed when she walked over, handing the box to Regina. "The Kris Dagger is too powerful to be wasted on you," Cora said, looking at the unconscious pirate. Cora grabbed Regina's arm, leading her when Regina sighed to herself while Dream followed behind them.

"So, is this what it was all about?" Regina asked, stopping to look at her mother. "Getting Rumple's dagger so you can obtain his dark powers?" Regina asked Cora, who sighed to herself.

"If we possess the dagger, we control the Dark One. And when he returns to Storybrooke, we can command him to kill Snow White, Prince Charming, and Emma. And he wouldn't be able to take your daughter from you. Our enemies will be vanquished, and you will be blameless in the eyes of the only people who matter..." Cora smiled when she moved to hold her hand to Regina's face.

"Henry and Dream..." Regina smiled when she looked at Dream, who was glancing back at Hook.

Regina smiled when they started to leave, but Regina stopped, looking at the box with Dream's heart in it. "Dream..." She said, making Dream look up at her. "Take this box and go home... We will be home after we take care of something." Regina said as she handed Dream the box. Dream nodded, going to leave, but Cora stopped her. "And you will forget everything we just talked about," Cora said, waving her hand as Dream stood there for a moment before walking out of the library.

"Why did you--" Regina went to ask her mother.

"Do you really want your daughter to know that we will use her father to kill anyone in our path? Letting her forget will benefit us later." Cora said when Regina nodded, listening to her mother.

*New York City, New York*

"So, that's him..." Henry asked, sitting on the stairs of the fire escape, looking at Emma. "Yeah..." Emma sighed, looking at him, seeing the hurt in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" Henry asked her when Emma sighed, hearing the hurt in his voice.

"Because I never thought I would see him again... I never wanted to."

"Why not?" Henry asked her when he noticed that she was just like Regina. Lying about everything. Regina lied to Dream about how her father was dead, only to discover that he was Gold. And here Emma was, doing the same thing to Henry. "He was a thief, Henry. A liar. A bad guy. And he broke my heart." Emma said, making Henry sigh at her.

"I could have taken it, you know? The truth."

"I know..." Emma sighed when she tried to figure out how to explain it to her son. He was just a kid. He did not know true heartbreak. "He was just a part of my life I wanted to forget. That's why I didn't tell you. I was thinking of me. Not you." Emma confessed when Henry sighed to himself.

"I thought you were different... But you're just like her. Regina. She always lied to Dream and me, too. She did the same thing to my sister for nineteen years that you did to me..." Henry sighed when Emma sighed to herself. Henry was right. She was no better than Regina. "I'm sorry." She sighed to him. "I want to meet my dad," Henry said as Emma sighed to herself but nodded.

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