Page 2: The Princess and the Stable Boy:

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Many years ago.

The Enchanted Forest.

Regina got off her horse and walked over to her dad, reins in hand. 

"That's beautiful, sweetheart." Henry smiled when he hugged his only daughter. 

"Thank you, Daddy." Regina smiled when she kissed his cheek.


Regina and Henry turned to a woman dressed in a black cloak that contrasted with the other two, who wore bright and light colors. Cora, Regina's mother, scoffed when she continued to walk over to her husband and daughter, with the stable boy, Daniel, following behind. 

"I'd hardly call that beautiful." Cora continued to say while Regina petted her horse.

"You didn't like it, Mother?" Regina asked, sounding hurt.

"You ride like a man," Cora said, making Regina glance at her father. "A lady should be graceful," Cora said when Dream, unseen by the group, looked at the woman who looked just like her mother. 

Dream had heard that phrase many times from her mother. "Don't slouch, honey. A lady doesn't slouch." "Dream, honey, don't slurp. That's not lady-like." Dream could think of many more times, but she was confused about what she saw. 

Was it all a dream? 

Nothing was making sense. 

"You should use a saddle," Cora said when Dream returned to listening to their conversation.

"I was just having fun." Regina smiled at her mother, still petting her horse.

"Well, you're getting a little old for fun." Cora scoffed, making Henry give her a look. "Who's going to want to marry you when you behave like a commoner?" Cora asked her daughter when Dream could not help but notice the stable boy. 

He looked like Daniel—her father. 

"Honey, please, leave her alone," Henry said, making his wife scoff at his defense. 

"Stop coddling her. She's becoming an old maid. All the other girls her age are married." Cora sighed, making Regina look down to the ground. "I had such high hopes..." Cora continued.

"M'lady, perhaps this saddle..." Daniel went to speak up when Regina continued to look down at the reins on her horse. 

"I'm done riding for the day," Regina spat harshly, leading her horse over to Daniel. "And don't ever interrupt me and my mother again." She spat, looking at Daniel.

Regina took off the reins while Daniel glanced at her and threw a rope over the horse to guide it back to the stables. Daniel started to walk off when Regina sighed, looking up at her mother. 

"Why do you always have to criticize me?" Regina asked her.

"I'm not criticizing you," Cora defended herself, placing a hand on her chest to show that her daughter's accusations hurt her. "I'm helping you." Cora smiled when Regina sighed, going to walk away. "Don't you walk away from me," Cora said when suddenly there was purple magic coming from her hand, raising Regina up in the air.

Dream stumbled back, watching this happen, when she fell to the ground. Suddenly, her vision started to become blurry until it went black. She got her vision back when she saw the graveyard again, moving to touch her head that was throbbing.

Present Day.

Storybrooke, Maine.

"Dream? Dream!" 

Dream's vision started to go back to normal when she looked over to see her mother in her ordinary black "mayor" dress, black stockings, black heels, and short bob hair. 

Regina was running to her daughter, with Graham following behind her. "Honey! Oh, my gosh. Are you okay, sweetie?" Regina asked, kneeling down to check on her daughter. Before Dream could answer, she moved her hand to her forehead, bringing it back to see blood. "Graham! Call for an ambulance!" Regina yelled when she helped Dream sit up. "Oh, my gosh! Honey. This is why I told you not to come here alone." Regina said frankly, looking through her purse to find napkins or cloths to hold onto Dream's head.

"I'm fine, Mom." Dream sighed, seeing Regina's worried face.

"Dreamy, the blood on your head says otherwise. You know this... Ever since you were little, you've had these episodes. That's why I'm glad you're not attending that school." Regina said, looking at Dream while Graham radioed for an ambulance.

For as long as Dream could remember, she would have episodes. When she would get pains in her head and then pass out, it was never really concerning to Dream until today. She knew the odd feeling before one of these episodes, but this time was different. Plus, the weird dream or vision she had was odd. 

After getting examined by Doctor Whales at the hospital, Dream sat in the living room with a bandage covering the stitches on her head. She looked at Henry's book when she flipped through the pages, seeing the story she pretty much experienced during her episode. Regina was in the kitchen, fixing Dream something to eat when Graham returned with Henry, who had just gotten home from school. 

"Dream!" Henry exclaimed when he moved to sit with his sister.

"She's in the kitchen." Dream said, looking at Graham, who nodded, heading into the kitchen. "Hey, Henry... Do you think we could have dreams so vividly that they could feel real?" Dream asked, looking at her little brother.

"Yeah..." Henry nodded without hesitation.

Dream nodded slowly due to the pain in her head when she looked at her little brother. "Hey, you know what would make me feel better?" Dream asked when he furrowed his brows. 

"What?" He asked her when she smiled, passing him his book. 

"If you read me a story from your book." Dream smiled when Henry nodded, flipping to the story that she was reading earlier. ""Mother! You know I don't like it when you use magic." The girl scoffed while her mother used magic to make her float closer to her. "And I don't like insolence." Cora chuckled, looking up at her only daughter..." Henry continued to read until he paused. "What does insolence mean?" He asked her when Dream looked at her ten-year-old brother.

"I think it means being rude and disrespectful." Dream shrugged when Henry nodded, going back to his story.

~season 1, episode 18: "The Stable Boy"~

~998 words~

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