Page 62: Airports and Amends:

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Meanwhile, at the airport.

Emma, Gold, and Henry just got their tickets when they were heading through security. 

"Have you ever been outside of Storybrooke before, Mr. Gold?" Henry asked when he turned to look at Gold, who stood between him and Emma. 

"No." Gold said tersely, looking at the ten/eleven-year-old boy. 

"Are you nervous?" Henry continued to ask as an average child did on trips.

"No," Gold said, once again, in a harsh tone.

"Are you worried about meeting your son?" Henry asked, making Gold scoff at him. 

"No, Henry. I'm fine." Gold scoffed at him when Emma sighed, seeing that Gold was not a conversation guy.

"How about we talk about all this later, kid? We're next." Emma said, making Henry turn forward.

"It must be really hard not to use magic. Being like everyone else..." Henry said, getting a tray to put his belongings and shoes in. "Not to mention that you are going to find your son, who you haven't seen in a long time, while you have a daughter who you're not in her life..." Henry said when Emma looked shocked at the kid's bluntness.

Emma started to do the same as Henry, while Gold looked confused. "You gotta put your shoes in," Emma said to Gold, making him look confused. 

"How terribly uncivilized." Gold said before taking off his shoes as Henry walked through the metal detector.

"Uh, scarf and cane go in the basket." The security guard said, stopping Gold from going through the detector. 

"What?" Gold asked him. 

"Scarf and can go in the basket." The guard repeated, making Gold turn back to look at Emma.

"I can't." He whispered to Emma, who sighed to herself.

"You have to." Emma sighed, giving Gold a worried but apologetic look.

"It ain't rocket science, buddy."

The two of them turned to the man in a suit behind them. 

"You ever been on a plane before?" The man asked, sounding very rude. 

"Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?" Gold asked, holding up his cane, but Emma held him back.

"My... My father's a little nervous." Emma lied to the man, coming up with an excuse. "We're headed to a family reunion. Sorry..." Emma said before turning back to Gold.

"Father?" Gold asked her, scoffing a bit.

"Just put your shawl in the bin. I'll help you get through." Emma said when the security lady that was on the other side of the security checkout took his cane. 

"If I let this go, I could forget who I am," Gold said, concerned when Emma sighed. 

"I'm not gonna let that happen," Emma reassured him when she put a small red ribbon in his pocket.

"What is this?" He asked her but stopped when he realized what it was. 

The bow off of Dream's old doll. The one he spelled as well as his shawl. Gold sighed when he turned to take off his coat and scarf. The small ribbon was not enough, so he still felt the effects when Emma tried to help him as he could not walk well without the cane. Emma rushed through the detector after him, grabbed his scarf to wrap around him, and then handed him his cane. Gold sighed to himself when he pulled out the ribbon and held it tightly in his hand. 

Thanks to his little girl, he did not lose his memory.

"Flight 358 is ready for boarding at Terminal C, gate 48-C."

While Emma was getting her stuff, she stopped, looking at Gold. He nodded, letting out a breath of relief when he put the ribbon back into his pocket. Emma handed him his coat and shoes while putting her boots on. 

"Guys..." Henry said, making the two of them look at him. "...there's a Cinnabons here!" Henry smiled, making Emma chuckle at him.

Back in Storybrooke, Maine.

Hook headed to the small alley between the bait shop and another boating shop near the docks. He set a playing card on the ground in front of him. The "Queen of Hearts" playing card. He looked around before turning to see Dream and Regina.

"Hello, Hook," Regina smirked at the pirate.

"Regina... Dream." Hook sounded surprised when he noticed that Dream stood behind her mother, with her hands in her pocket. 

"Expecting my mother? The one you were supposed to kill?" Regina asked him when Dream raised her brow, looking at the back of her mother's head. 

"Oh, that... Well, I didn't want to deprive you of a happy reunion." Hook lied, smirking at Regina, when Dream glanced around them, making sure they were alone.

"Well, it's your lucky day. She and I have made amends... And she is working on a better relationship with Dream." Regina smiled at the pirate. 

"And you're here to thank me? How sweet." Hook smirked when he noticed Dream looking around.

"She wants to know if they found the ship." Dream spoke up, getting to the point when she looked back at Hook.

"Well, you can tell her she can ask me herself." Hook smirked when he caught Dream's eye, making her look at him. 

She seemed off. He could not put his finger on it, but she was not the same girl who was gushing over babies just yesterday. 

"She decided it wouldn't be prudent for her to be out and about," Regina said, causing Hook to look back at her. 

"Well, then, it is my lucky day. And you can tell her they found the ship." Hook said when he stepped forward.

"But did you get her things off it?" 

"I've been tied up in bed. Not in the good way." Hook smirked, eyeing Dream up and down, making Regina scoff at the interaction when it did not seem to have an effect on Dream as it typically did. 

"She needs her things," Regina said, causing Hook to look away from Dream. 

"Oh, I bet she does..." Hook said, moving to look around when he stepped back. "Well, there's good news, then. A giant got loose from the hold." Hook said, turning to look at the mother-daughter duo.

"You lost a giant?" Regina asked when Dream looked at Hook. 

"Anton?" Dream asked him.

"Well, a shrunken giant." Hook corrected Regina, nodding towards Dream.

"How is that good news?" Regina asked when Dream remembered how the giant was kind enough towards them after they talked to him. 

"Because, when he got free, he took one look at the Prince and became extremely murderous," Hook smirked when he walked forward, moving a strand of hair behind Dream's ear as she looked up at him. 

Something was off. She did not have a certain twinkle in her eye like she did when she would look up at him. He knew that the obedience potion had already been out of her system, ever since the car crash, but even before she had a look.

"Hmm... A giant in town who wants to kill the Prince. This is just the distraction we need." Regina smirked, looking at Hook, ignoring how he was still looking at Dream, who moved back a bit. 

"That it is, dear." Hook smirked, turning to look at Regina.

~season 2, episode 13: "Tiny"~

~1177 words~

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